The problem lies in the fact that offlineimap.folder.Base's method syncmessagesto_copy() uses threaded code everytime it is suggested by the derived class's suggeststhreads() (currently, only IMAP does this suggestion), but offlineimap/init.py will not spawn the exitnotifymonitorloop() from offlineimap.threadutil. The root cause is that ExitNotifyThread-derived threads need offlineimap.threadutil's exitnotifymonitorloop() to be running the cleaner for the exitthreads Queue(), because it fills the queue via the run() method from this class: it wants to put() itself to the Queue on exit, so when no exitnotifymonitorloop() is running, the queue will fill up. And if this thread is an instance of InstanceLimitedThread that hits the limit on the number of threads, then it will hold the instancelimitedsems[] semaphore will prevent other InstanceLimitedThread()s of the same name to pass its start() method. The fix is to avoid using threaded code if we're running single-threaded. Signed-off-by: Eygene Ryabinkin <rea@codelabs.ru> Obtained-from: X-Ryl669 <boite.pour.spam@gmail.com>