Linux, Mac OSX. Outlook IMAP, Gmail. LOGIN, PLAIN, XOAUTH2. python 2.7, python 3.6! Additional files required for Automated testing with Travis-CI and CodeCov.io! Add gitter.im badge to README. Signed-off-by: Chris Coleman/EspaceNetworks <chris001@users.noreply.github.com> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev@laposte.net>
83 lines
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Executable File
83 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 Espace LLC/espacenetworks.com. Written by @chris001.
# This must be run from the main directory of the offlineimap project.
# Typically this script will be run by Travis to create the config files needed for running the automated tests.
# python ./tests/create_conf_file.py
# Input: Seven shell environment variables.
# Output: it writes the config settings to "filename" (./oli-travis.conf) and "additionalfilename" (./test/credentials.conf).
# "filename" is used by normal run of ./offlineimap -c ./oli-travis.conf , "additionalfilename" is used by "pytest".
# They are the same conf file, copie to two different locations for convenience.
import os
import shutil
import ConfigParser
Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
except ImportError:
import configparser
Config = configparser.ConfigParser()
filename = "./oli-travis.conf"
additionalfilename = "./test/credentials.conf" # for the 'pytest' which automatically finds and runs the unittests.
#TODO: detect OS we running on now, and set sslcacertfile location accordingly.
sslcacertfile = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem" # CentOS 7
sslcacertfile = "" # TODO: https://gist.github.com/1stvamp/2158128 Current Mac OSX now must download the cacertfile.
sslcacertfile = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" # Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (Travis linux test container 2018.)
if os.environ["TRAVIS_OS_NAME"] == "osx":
sslcacertfile = os.environ["OSX_BREW_SSLCACERTFILE"]
# lets create that config file.
cfgfile = open(filename,'w')
# add the settings to the structure of the file, and lets write it out.
sect = 'general'
Config.set(sect,'maxsyncaccounts', '1')
sect = 'Account Test'
Config.set(sect,'localrepository','IMAP') # Outlook.
Config.set(sect,'remoterepository', 'Gmail')
### "Repository IMAP" is hardcoded in test/OLItest/TestRunner.py it should dynamically get the Repository names but it doesn't.
sect = 'Repository IMAP' # Outlook.
Config.set(sect,'remotehost', 'imap-mail.outlook.com')
Config.set(sect,'remoteport', '993')
Config.set(sect,'auth_mechanisms', os.environ["OUTLOOK_AUTH"])
Config.set(sect,'ssl', 'True')
#Config.set(sect,'tls_level', 'tls_compat') #Default is 'tls_compat'.
#Config.set(sect,'ssl_version', 'tls1_2') # Leave this unset. Will auto select between tls1_1 and tls1_2 for tls_secure.
Config.set(sect,'sslcacertfile', sslcacertfile)
Config.set(sect,'remoteuser', os.environ["secure_outlook_email_address"])
Config.set(sect,'remotepass', os.environ["secure_outlook_email_pw"])
Config.set(sect,'createfolders', 'True')
Config.set(sect,'folderfilter', 'lambda f: f not in ["Inbox", "[Gmail]/All Mail"]') #Capitalization of Inbox INBOX was causing runtime failure.
#Config.set(sect,'folderfilter', 'lambda f: f not in ["[Gmail]/All Mail"]')
### "Repository Gmail" is also hardcoded into test/OLItest/TestRunner.py
sect = 'Repository Gmail'
Config.set(sect,'type', 'Gmail')
Config.set(sect,'remoteport', '993')
Config.set(sect,'auth_mechanisms', os.environ["GMAIL_AUTH"])
Config.set(sect,'oauth2_client_id', os.environ["secure_gmail_oauth2_client_id"])
Config.set(sect,'oauth2_client_secret', os.environ["secure_gmail_oauth2_client_secret"])
Config.set(sect,'oauth2_refresh_token', os.environ["secure_gmail_oauth2_refresh_token"])
Config.set(sect,'remoteuser', os.environ["secure_gmail_email_address"])
Config.set(sect,'ssl', 'True')
#Config.set(sect,'tls_level', 'tls_compat')
#Config.set(sect,'ssl_version', 'tls1_2')
Config.set(sect,'sslcacertfile', sslcacertfile)
Config.set(sect,'createfolders', 'True')
Config.set(sect,'folderfilter', 'lambda f: f not in ["INBOX", "[Gmail]/All Mail"]')
shutil.copy(filename, additionalfilename)