John Goerzen 3305d8cd4d Daniel Jacobowitz patches
fixes deb#433732

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 13:54:56 -0400
From: Daniel Jacobowitz <>
Subject: Assorted patches

Here's the result of a lazy Sunday hacking on offlineimap.  Sorry for
not breaking this into multiple patches.  They're mostly logically
independent so just ask if that would make a difference.
First, a new -q (quick) option.  The quick option means to only update
folders that seem to have had significant changes.  For Maildir, any
change to any message UID or flags is significant, because checking
the flags doesn't add a significant cost.  For IMAP, only a change to
the total number of messages or a change in the UID of the most recent
message is significant.  This should catch everything except for
flags changes.

The difference in bandwidth is astonishing: a quick sync takes 80K
instead of 5.3MB, and 28 seconds instead of 90.

There's a configuration variable that lets you say every tenth sync
should update flags, but let all the intervening ones be lighter.

Second, a fix to the UID validity problems many people have been
reporting with Courier.  As discussed in Debian bug #433732, I changed
the UID validity check to use SELECT unless the server complains that
the folder is read-only.  This avoids the Courier bug (see the Debian
log for more details).  This won't fix existing validity errors, you
need to remove the local status and validity files by hand and resync.

Third, some speedups in Maildir checking.  It's still pretty slow
due to a combination of poor performance in os.listdir (never reads
more than 4K of directory entries at a time) and some semaphore that
leads to lots of futex wake operations, but at least this saves
20% or so of the CPU time running offlineimap on a single folder:

Time with quick refresh and md5 in loop: 4.75s user 0.46s system 12%
cpu 41.751 total
Time with quick refresh and md5 out of loop: 4.38s user 0.50s system
14% cpu 34.799 total
Time using string compare to check folder: 4.11s user 0.47s system 13%
cpu 34.788 total

And fourth, some display fixes for Curses.Blinkenlights.  I made
warnings more visible, made the new quick sync message cyan, and
made all not explicitly colored messages grey.  That last one was
really bugging me.  Any time OfflineIMAP printed a warning in
this UI, it had even odds of coming out black on black!

Anyway, I hope these are useful.  I'm happy to revise them if you see
a problem.

Daniel Jacobowitz
2007-10-01 22:20:37 +01:00

352 lines
14 KiB

# UI base class
# Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen
# <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import offlineimap.version
import re, time, sys, traceback, threading, thread
from StringIO import StringIO
debugtypes = {'imap': 'IMAP protocol debugging',
'maildir': 'Maildir repository debugging',
'thread': 'Threading debugging'}
globalui = None
def setglobalui(newui):
global globalui
globalui = newui
def getglobalui():
global globalui
return globalui
class UIBase:
def __init__(s, config, verbose = 0):
s.verbose = verbose
s.config = config
s.debuglist = []
s.debugmessages = {}
s.debugmsglen = 50
s.threadaccounts = {}
s.logfile = None
################################################## UTILS
def _msg(s, msg):
"""Generic tool called when no other works."""
def _log(s, msg):
"""Log it to disk. Returns true if it wrote something; false
if s.logfile:
s.logfile.write("%s: %s\n" % (threading.currentThread().getName(),
return 1
return 0
def setlogfd(s, logfd):
s.logfile = logfd
logfd.write("This is %s %s\n" % \
logfd.write("Python: %s\n" % sys.version)
logfd.write("Platform: %s\n" % sys.platform)
logfd.write("Args: %s\n" % sys.argv)
def _display(s, msg):
"""Display a message."""
raise NotImplementedError
def warn(s, msg, minor = 0):
if minor:
s._msg("warning: " + msg)
s._msg("WARNING: " + msg)
def registerthread(s, account):
"""Provides a hint to UIs about which account this particular
thread is processing."""
if s.threadaccounts.has_key(threading.currentThread()):
raise ValueError, "Thread %s already registered (old %s, new %s)" %\
s.getthreadaccount(s), account)
s.threadaccounts[threading.currentThread()] = account
def unregisterthread(s, thr):
"""Recognizes a thread has exited."""
if s.threadaccounts.has_key(thr):
del s.threadaccounts[thr]
def getthreadaccount(s, thr = None):
if not thr:
thr = threading.currentThread()
if s.threadaccounts.has_key(thr):
return s.threadaccounts[thr]
return '*Control'
def debug(s, debugtype, msg):
thisthread = threading.currentThread()
if s.debugmessages.has_key(thisthread):
s.debugmessages[thisthread].append("%s: %s" % (debugtype, msg))
s.debugmessages[thisthread] = ["%s: %s" % (debugtype, msg)]
while len(s.debugmessages[thisthread]) > s.debugmsglen:
s.debugmessages[thisthread] = s.debugmessages[thisthread][1:]
if debugtype in s.debuglist:
if not s._log("DEBUG[%s]: %s" % (debugtype, msg)):
s._display("DEBUG[%s]: %s" % (debugtype, msg))
def add_debug(s, debugtype):
global debugtypes
if debugtype in debugtypes:
if not debugtype in s.debuglist:
def debugging(s, debugtype):
global debugtypes
s._msg("Now debugging for %s: %s" % (debugtype, debugtypes[debugtype]))
def invaliddebug(s, debugtype):
s.warn("Invalid debug type: %s" % debugtype)
def locked(s):
raise Exception, "Another OfflineIMAP is running with the same metadatadir; exiting."
def getnicename(s, object):
prelimname = str(object.__class__).split('.')[-1]
# Strip off extra stuff.
return re.sub('(Folder|Repository)', '', prelimname)
def isusable(s):
"""Returns true if this UI object is usable in the current
environment. For instance, an X GUI would return true if it's
being run in X with a valid DISPLAY setting, and false otherwise."""
return 1
################################################## INPUT
def getpass(s, accountname, config, errmsg = None):
raise NotImplementedError
def folderlist(s, list):
return ', '.join(["%s[%s]" % (s.getnicename(x), x.getname()) for x in list])
################################################## WARNINGS
def msgtoreadonly(s, destfolder, uid, content, flags):
if not (s.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and s.config.getboolean("general", "ignore-readonly")):
s.warn("Attempted to synchronize message %d to folder %s[%s], but that folder is read-only. The message will not be copied to that folder." % \
(uid, s.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder.getname()))
def flagstoreadonly(s, destfolder, uidlist, flags):
if not (s.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and s.config.getboolean("general", "ignore-readonly")):
s.warn("Attempted to modify flags for messages %s in folder %s[%s], but that folder is read-only. No flags have been modified for that message." % \
(str(uidlist), s.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder.getname()))
def deletereadonly(s, destfolder, uidlist):
if not (s.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and s.config.getboolean("general", "ignore-readonly")):
s.warn("Attempted to delete messages %s in folder %s[%s], but that folder is read-only. No messages have been deleted in that folder." % \
(str(uidlist), s.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder.getname()))
################################################## MESSAGES
def init_banner(s):
"""Called when the UI starts. Must be called before any other UI
call except isusable(). Displays the copyright banner. This is
where the UI should do its setup -- TK, for instance, would
create the application window here."""
if s.verbose >= 0:
def connecting(s, hostname, port):
if s.verbose < 0:
if hostname == None:
hostname = ''
if port != None:
port = ":%s" % str(port)
displaystr = ' to %s%s.' % (hostname, port)
if hostname == '' and port == None:
displaystr = '.'
s._msg("Establishing connection" + displaystr)
def acct(s, accountname):
if s.verbose >= 0:
s._msg("***** Processing account %s" % accountname)
def acctdone(s, accountname):
if s.verbose >= 0:
s._msg("***** Finished processing account " + accountname)
def syncfolders(s, srcrepos, destrepos):
if s.verbose >= 0:
s._msg("Copying folder structure from %s to %s" % \
(s.getnicename(srcrepos), s.getnicename(destrepos)))
############################## Folder syncing
def syncingfolder(s, srcrepos, srcfolder, destrepos, destfolder):
"""Called when a folder sync operation is started."""
if s.verbose >= 0:
s._msg("Syncing %s: %s -> %s" % (srcfolder.getname(),
def skippingfolder(s, folder):
"""Called when a folder sync operation is started."""
if s.verbose >= 0:
s._msg("Skipping %s (not changed)" % folder.getname())
def validityproblem(s, folder):
s.warn("UID validity problem for folder %s (repo %s) (saved %d; got %d); skipping it" % \
(folder.getname(), folder.getrepository().getname(),
folder.getsaveduidvalidity(), folder.getuidvalidity()))
def loadmessagelist(s, repos, folder):
if s.verbose > 0:
s._msg("Loading message list for %s[%s]" % (s.getnicename(repos),
def messagelistloaded(s, repos, folder, count):
if s.verbose > 0:
s._msg("Message list for %s[%s] loaded: %d messages" % \
(s.getnicename(repos), folder.getname(), count))
############################## Message syncing
def syncingmessages(s, sr, sf, dr, df):
if s.verbose > 0:
s._msg("Syncing messages %s[%s] -> %s[%s]" % (s.getnicename(sr),
def copyingmessage(s, uid, src, destlist):
if s.verbose >= 0:
ds = s.folderlist(destlist)
s._msg("Copy message %d %s[%s] -> %s" % (uid, s.getnicename(src),
src.getname(), ds))
def deletingmessage(s, uid, destlist):
if s.verbose >= 0:
ds = s.folderlist(destlist)
s._msg("Deleting message %d in %s" % (uid, ds))
def deletingmessages(s, uidlist, destlist):
if s.verbose >= 0:
ds = s.folderlist(destlist)
s._msg("Deleting %d messages (%s) in %s" % \
", ".join([str(u) for u in uidlist]),
def addingflags(s, uidlist, flags, destlist):
if s.verbose >= 0:
ds = s.folderlist(destlist)
s._msg("Adding flags %s to %d messages on %s" % \
(", ".join(flags), len(uidlist), ds))
def deletingflags(s, uidlist, flags, destlist):
if s.verbose >= 0:
ds = s.folderlist(destlist)
s._msg("Deleting flags %s to %d messages on %s" % \
(", ".join(flags), len(uidlist), ds))
################################################## Threads
def getThreadDebugLog(s, thread):
if s.debugmessages.has_key(thread):
message = "\nLast %d debug messages logged for %s prior to exception:\n"\
% (len(s.debugmessages[thread]), thread.getName())
message += "\n".join(s.debugmessages[thread])
message = "\nNo debug messages were logged for %s." % \
return message
def delThreadDebugLog(s, thread):
if s.debugmessages.has_key(thread):
del s.debugmessages[thread]
def getThreadExceptionString(s, thread):
message = "Thread '%s' terminated with exception:\n%s" % \
(thread.getName(), thread.getExitStackTrace())
message += "\n" + s.getThreadDebugLog(thread)
return message
def threadException(s, thread):
"""Called when a thread has terminated with an exception.
The argument is the ExitNotifyThread that has so terminated."""
def getMainExceptionString(s):
sbuf = StringIO()
traceback.print_exc(file = sbuf)
return "Main program terminated with exception:\n" + \
sbuf.getvalue() + "\n" + \
def mainException(s):
def terminate(s, exitstatus = 0, errortitle = None, errormsg = None):
"""Called to terminate the application."""
if errormsg <> None:
if errortitle <> None:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n\n%s\n'%(errortitle, errormsg))
sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % errormsg)
def threadExited(s, thread):
"""Called when a thread has exited normally. Many UIs will
just ignore this."""
################################################## Other
def sleep(s, sleepsecs):
"""This function does not actually output anything, but handles
the overall sleep, dealing with updates as necessary. It will,
however, call sleeping() which DOES output something.
Returns 0 if timeout expired, 1 if there is a request to cancel
the timer, and 2 if there is a request to abort the program."""
abortsleep = 0
while sleepsecs > 0 and not abortsleep:
abortsleep = s.sleeping(1, sleepsecs)
sleepsecs -= 1
s.sleeping(0, 0) # Done sleeping.
return abortsleep
def sleeping(s, sleepsecs, remainingsecs):
"""Sleep for sleepsecs, remainingsecs to go.
If sleepsecs is 0, indicates we're done sleeping.
Return 0 for normal sleep, or 1 to indicate a request
to sync immediately."""
s._msg("Next refresh in %d seconds" % remainingsecs)
if sleepsecs > 0:
return 0