.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Official maintainers ==================== Dmitrijs Ledkovs email: xnox at debian.org github: xnox Eygene Ryabinkin email: rea at freebsd.org github: konvpalto Sebastian Spaeth email: sebastian at sspaeth.de github: spaetz Nicolas Sebrecht email: nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net github: nicolas33 Mailing List maintainers ======================== Eygene Ryabinkin email: rea at freebsd.org Sebastian Spaeth email: sebastian at sspaeth.de Nicolas Sebrecht email: nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net How to maintain the source code =============================== Rolling out a new release ------------------------- 1. Update the Changelogs. 2. Update the version in ``offlineimap/__init__.py``. 3. Commit the changes with the version in the commit message. 4. Tag the release. 5. Wait the next day before pushing out the release. 6. Make an announce to the mailing list. Tagging stable releases or release candidates ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' It is done via Git's ``tag`` command, but you **must** do ``git tag -a`` to create annotated tag. Release tags are named ``vX.Y.Z`` and release candidate tags are named ``vX.Y.Z-rcN``. How to become a core team maintainer ==================================== Express your desire to one of the current official maintainers. This is all you have to do. We don't require years of contributions. Of course, we will pay attention a bit to your past interest to the project and your skills. But nothing is mandatory and it's fine to still be learning while being an official maintainer. Nobody is all-knowing, even with years of experience. So, if one current maintainer agrees, he will grant you the write access to the official repository. Contrary to what most people might think, becoming an official maintainer is not something hard. You'll first be asked to merge contributions and make one or two official releases. We will review your first steps and nothing more. Be aware that there is no more leader maintainer, neither is a leader in the team. Once you become a team member and did some maintenance for the project, you're free to take all the strong decisions. Since we are a team, we always try to discuss with others before taking any strong decision, including the users. This prevents from breaking things inside the whole community and the proximity we have with our users. Even most discreet of them will raise one day with good hints, review, feedback or opinion. This is how we are running in OfflineIMAP. And yes, we are really proud about the solid relationship we have with the users. Also, we are all benevolent volunteers. We are in a very good position to know that we are not always free to contribute as much as we'd like to. Being away for some (long) time is not a problem. At the time of this writing, each maintainer took some vacations from the project at some point in time. You'll contribute as much as your free time permits. It's fine! We are a team, so we help each other. Welcome! ,-)