.. OfflineImap API documentation .. currentmodule:: offlineimap Welcome to :mod:`offlineimaps`'s documentation ============================================== Within :mod:`offlineimap`, the classes :class:`OfflineImap` provides the high-level functionality. The rest of the classes should usually not needed to be touched by the user. Email repositories are represented by a :class:`offlineimap.repository.Base.BaseRepository` or derivatives (see :mod:`offlineimap.repository` for details). A folder within a repository is represented by a :class:`offlineimap.folder.Base.BaseFolder` or any derivative from :mod:`offlineimap.folder`. This page contains the main API overview of OfflineImap |release|. OfflineImap can be imported as:: from offlineimap import OfflineImap The file ``SubmittingPatches.rst`` in the source distribution documents a number of resources and conventions you may find useful. It will eventually be merged into the main documentation. .. TODO: merge SubmittingPatches.rst to the main documentation :mod:`offlineimap` -- The OfflineImap module ============================================= .. module:: offlineimap .. autoclass:: offlineimap.OfflineImap(cmdline_opts = None) .. automethod:: run .. automethod:: parse_cmd_options .. .. autoattribute:: ui :todo: Document :class:`offlineimap.account` ============================ An :class:`accounts.Account` connects two email repositories that are to be synced. It comes in two flavors, normal and syncable. .. autoclass:: offlineimap.accounts.Account .. autoclass:: offlineimap.accounts.SyncableAccount :members: :inherited-members: .. autodata:: ui Contains the current :mod:`offlineimap.ui`, and can be used for logging etc. :exc:`OfflineImapError` -- A Notmuch execution error -------------------------------------------------------- .. autoexception:: offlineimap.error.OfflineImapError :members: This execption inherits directly from :exc:`Exception` and is raised on errors during the offlineimap execution. It has an attribute `severity` that denotes the severity level of the error.