#!/usr/bin/python2.2 # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from offlineimap import imaplib, imaputil, imapserver, repository, folder, mbnames, threadutil, version from offlineimap.threadutil import InstanceLimitedThread, ExitNotifyThread import re, os, os.path, offlineimap, sys from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from threading import * from getopt import getopt options = {} if '--help' in sys.argv[1:]: sys.stdout.write(version.cmdhelp + "\n") sys.exit(0) for optlist in getopt(sys.argv[1:], '1oa:c:du:h')[0]: options[optlist[0]] = optlist[1] if '-d' in options: imaplib.Debug = 5 if '-h' in options: sys.stdout.write(version.cmdhelp) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(0) configfilename = os.path.expanduser("~/.offlineimaprc") if '-c' in options: configfilename = options['-c'] config = ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(configfilename): sys.stderr.write(" *** Config file %s does not exist; aborting!\n" % configfilename) sys.exit(1) config.read(configfilename) if '-u' in options: ui = offlineimap.ui.detector.getUImod(options['-u'])() else: ui = offlineimap.ui.detector.findUI(config) ui.init_banner() if '-o' in options and config.has_option("general", "autorefresh"): config.remove_option("general", "autorefresh") metadatadir = os.path.expanduser(config.get("general", "metadata")) if not os.path.exists(metadatadir): os.mkdir(metadatadir, 0700) accounts = config.get("general", "accounts") if '-a' in options: accounts = options['-a'] accounts = accounts.replace(" ", "") accounts = accounts.split(",") server = None remoterepos = None localrepos = None passwords = {} tunnels = {} if '-1' in options: threadutil.initInstanceLimit("ACCOUNTLIMIT", 1) else: threadutil.initInstanceLimit("ACCOUNTLIMIT", config.getint("general", "maxsyncaccounts")) # We have to gather passwords here -- don't want to have two threads # asking for passwords simultaneously. for account in accounts: if config.has_option(account, "preauthtunnel"): tunnels[account] = config.get(account, "preauthtunnel") elif config.has_option(account, "remotepass"): passwords[account] = config.get(account, "remotepass") elif config.has_option(account, "remotepassfile"): passfile = os.path.expanduser(config.get(account, "remotepassfile")) passwords[account] = passfile.readline().strip() passfile.close() else: passwords[account] = ui.getpass(account, config) for instancename in ["FOLDER_" + account, "MSGCOPY_" + account]: if '-1' in options: threadutil.initInstanceLimit(instancename, 1) else: threadutil.initInstanceLimit(instancename, config.getint(account, "maxconnections")) mailboxes = [] mailboxlock = Lock() servers = {} def addmailbox(accountname, remotefolder): mailboxlock.acquire() mailboxes.append({'accountname' : accountname, 'foldername': remotefolder.getvisiblename()}) mailboxlock.release() def syncaccount(accountname, *args): # We don't need an account lock because syncitall() goes through # each account once, then waits for all to finish. try: ui.acct(accountname) accountmetadata = os.path.join(metadatadir, accountname) if not os.path.exists(accountmetadata): os.mkdir(accountmetadata, 0700) server = None if accountname in servers: server = servers[accountname] else: server = imapserver.ConfigedIMAPServer(config, accountname, passwords) servers[accountname] = server remoterepos = repository.IMAP.IMAPRepository(config, accountname, server) # Connect to the Maildirs. localrepos = repository.Maildir.MaildirRepository(os.path.expanduser(config.get(accountname, "localfolders"))) # Connect to the local cache. statusrepos = repository.LocalStatus.LocalStatusRepository(accountmetadata) ui.syncfolders(remoterepos, localrepos) remoterepos.syncfoldersto(localrepos) folderthreads = [] for remotefolder in remoterepos.getfolders(): thread = InstanceLimitedThread(\ instancename = 'FOLDER_' + accountname, target = syncfolder, name = "Folder sync %s[%s]" % \ (accountname, remotefolder.getvisiblename()), args = (accountname, remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, statusrepos)) thread.setDaemon(1) thread.start() folderthreads.append(thread) threadutil.threadsreset(folderthreads) if not (config.has_option(accountname, 'holdconnectionopen') and \ config.getboolean(accountname, 'holdconnectionopen')): server.close() finally: pass def syncfolder(accountname, remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, statusrepos): mailboxes.append({'accountname': accountname, 'foldername': remotefolder.getvisiblename()}) # Load local folder. localfolder = localrepos.\ getfolder(remotefolder.getvisiblename().\ replace(remoterepos.getsep(), localrepos.getsep())) # Load local folder ui.syncingfolder(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) ui.loadmessagelist(localrepos, localfolder) localfolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(localrepos, localfolder, len(localfolder.getmessagelist().keys())) # Load status folder. statusfolder = statusrepos.getfolder(remotefolder.getvisiblename().\ replace(remoterepos.getsep(), statusrepos.getsep())) statusfolder.cachemessagelist() # If either the local or the status folder has messages and # there is a UID validity problem, warn and abort. # If there are no messages, UW IMAPd loses UIDVALIDITY. # But we don't really need it if both local folders are empty. # So, in that case, save it off. if (len(localfolder.getmessagelist()) or \ len(statusfolder.getmessagelist())) and \ not localfolder.isuidvalidityok(remotefolder): ui.validityproblem(remotefolder) return else: localfolder.saveuidvalidity(remotefolder.getuidvalidity()) # Load remote folder. ui.loadmessagelist(remoterepos, remotefolder) remotefolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(remoterepos, remotefolder, len(remotefolder.getmessagelist().keys())) # if not statusfolder.isnewfolder(): # Delete local copies of remote messages. This way, # if a message's flag is modified locally but it has been # deleted remotely, we'll delete it locally. Otherwise, we # try to modify a deleted message's flags! This step # need only be taken if a statusfolder is present; otherwise, # there is no action taken *to* the remote repository. remotefolder.syncmessagesto_delete(localfolder, [localfolder, statusfolder]) ui.syncingmessages(localrepos, localfolder, remoterepos, remotefolder) localfolder.syncmessagesto(statusfolder, [remotefolder, statusfolder]) # Synchronize remote changes. ui.syncingmessages(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) remotefolder.syncmessagesto(localfolder) # Make sure the status folder is up-to-date. ui.syncingmessages(localrepos, localfolder, statusrepos, statusfolder) localfolder.syncmessagesto(statusfolder) statusfolder.save() def syncitall(): global mailboxes mailboxes = [] # Reset. threads = [] for accountname in accounts: thread = InstanceLimitedThread(instancename = 'ACCOUNTLIMIT', target = syncaccount, name = "Account sync %s" % accountname, args = (accountname,)) thread.setDaemon(1) thread.start() threads.append(thread) # Wait for the threads to finish. threadutil.threadsreset(threads) mbnames.genmbnames(config, mailboxes) def sync_with_timer(): currentThread().setExitMessage('SYNC_WITH_TIMER_TERMINATE') syncitall() if config.has_option('general', 'autorefresh'): refreshperiod = config.getint('general', 'autorefresh') * 60 while 1: # Set up keep-alives. kaevents = {} kathreads = {} for accountname in accounts: if config.has_option(accountname, 'holdconnectionopen') and \ config.getboolean(accountname, 'holdconnectionopen') and \ config.has_option(accountname, 'keepalive'): event = Event() kaevents[accountname] = event thread = ExitNotifyThread(target = servers[accountname].keepalive, name = "Keep alive " + accountname, args = (config.getint(accountname, 'keepalive'), event)) thread.setDaemon(1) thread.start() kathreads[accountname] = thread if ui.sleep(refreshperiod) == 2: # Cancel keep-alives, but don't bother terminating threads for event in kaevents.values(): event.set() break else: # Cancel keep-alives and wait for threads to terminate. for event in kaevents.values(): event.set() for thread in kathreads.values(): thread.join() syncitall() def threadexited(thread): if thread.getExitCause() == 'EXCEPTION': if isinstance(thread.getExitException(), SystemExit): # Bring a SystemExit into the main thread. # Do not send it back to UI layer right now. # Maybe later send it to ui.terminate? raise SystemExit ui.threadException(thread) # Expected to terminate sys.exit(100) # Just in case... os._exit(100) elif thread.getExitMessage() == 'SYNC_WITH_TIMER_TERMINATE': ui.terminate() # Just in case... sys.exit(100) os._exit(100) else: ui.threadExited(thread) threadutil.initexitnotify() t = ExitNotifyThread(target=sync_with_timer, name='Sync Runner') t.setDaemon(1) t.start() try: threadutil.exitnotifymonitorloop(threadexited) except SystemExit: raise except: ui.mainException() # Also expected to terminate.