# GPG quirks, leave unconfigured
ui = ttyui
# you can use any name as long as it matches the 'account1, 'account2' in the rest
# of the file
accounts = account1, account2
# this is where the `gpg-pw.py` file is on disk
fsync = False

# you can call this any way you like
[Account account1]
localrepository = account1-local
remoterepository = account1-remote
# no need to touch this
status_backend = sqlite

[Account account2]
localrepository = account2-local
remoterepository = account2-remote
status_backend = sqlite

# thi sis a gmail account
[Repository account1-local]
type = Maildir
# create with maildirmake or by hand by creating cur, new, tmp
localfolders = ~/Mail/Mailboxes/account1
# standard Gmail stuff
nametrans = lambda folder: { 'drafts': '[Gmail]/Drafts',
                             'sent':   '[Gmail]/Sent mail',
                             'flagged': '[Gmail]/Starred',
                             'trash':   '[Gmail]/Trash',
                             'archive': '[Gmail]/All Mail' 
                            }.get(folder, folder)

[Repository account1-remote]
maxconnections = 1
type = Gmail
# for osx, you might need to download the certs by hand
# sslcacertfile=/etc/ssl/cert.pem

# or use Linux's standard certs
# your account
remoteuser = account1@gmail.com
remotepasseval = get_pass(account="account1@gmail.com", server="imap.gmail.com", passwd_file="passwords-gmail.txt.gpg")
realdelete = no
createfolders = no
nametrans = lambda folder: {'[Gmail]/Drafts':    'drafts',
                            '[Gmail]/Sent Mail': 'sent',
                            '[Gmail]/Starred':   'star',
                            '[Gmail]/Trash':     'trash',
                            '[Gmail]/All Mail':  'archive',
                            }.get(folder, folder)
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder not in ['[Gmail]/Trash',

[Repository account2-remote]
# copy the stanza above, change the 'account' parameter of get_pass, etc.