# Copyright (C) 2003-2015 John Goerzen & contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from threading import Event import os from sys import exc_info import traceback from offlineimap import mbnames, CustomConfig, OfflineImapError from offlineimap import globals from offlineimap.repository import Repository from offlineimap.ui import getglobalui from offlineimap.threadutil import InstanceLimitedThread try: import fcntl except: pass # ok if this fails, we can do without # FIXME: spaghetti code alert! def getaccountlist(customconfig): # Account names in a list. return customconfig.getsectionlist('Account') # FIXME: spaghetti code alert! def AccountListGenerator(customconfig): """Returns a list of instanciated Account class, one per account name.""" return [Account(customconfig, accountname) for accountname in getaccountlist(customconfig)] # FIXME: spaghetti code alert! def AccountHashGenerator(customconfig): """Returns a dict of instanciated Account class with the account name as key.""" retval = {} for item in AccountListGenerator(customconfig): retval[item.getname()] = item return retval class Account(CustomConfig.ConfigHelperMixin): """Represents an account (ie. 2 repositories) to sync. Most of the time you will actually want to use the derived :class:`accounts.SyncableAccount` which contains all functions used for syncing an account.""" # Signal gets set when we should stop looping. abort_soon_signal = Event() # Signal gets set on CTRL-C/SIGTERM. abort_NOW_signal = Event() def __init__(self, config, name): """ :param config: Representing the offlineimap configuration file. :type config: :class:`offlineimap.CustomConfig.CustomConfigParser` :param name: A (str) string denoting the name of the Account as configured. """ self.config = config self.name = name self.metadatadir = config.getmetadatadir() self.localeval = config.getlocaleval() # current :mod:`offlineimap.ui`, can be used for logging: self.ui = getglobalui() self.refreshperiod = self.getconffloat('autorefresh', 0.0) # should we run in "dry-run" mode? self.dryrun = self.config.getboolean('general', 'dry-run') self.quicknum = 0 if self.refreshperiod == 0.0: self.refreshperiod = None def getlocaleval(self): return self.localeval # Interface from CustomConfig.ConfigHelperMixin def getconfig(self): return self.config def getname(self): return self.name def __str__(self): return self.name def getaccountmeta(self): return os.path.join(self.metadatadir, 'Account-' + self.name) # Interface from CustomConfig.ConfigHelperMixin def getsection(self): return 'Account ' + self.getname() @classmethod def set_abort_event(cls, config, signum): """Set skip sleep/abort event for all accounts. If we want to skip a current (or the next) sleep, or if we want to abort an autorefresh loop, the main thread can use set_abort_event() to send the corresponding signal. Signum = 1 implies that we want all accounts to abort or skip the current or next sleep phase. Signum = 2 will end the autorefresh loop, ie all accounts will return after they finished a sync. signum=3 means, abort NOW, e.g. on SIGINT or SIGTERM. This is a class method, it will send the signal to all accounts. """ if signum == 1: # resync signal, set config option for all accounts for acctsection in getaccountlist(config): config.set('Account ' + acctsection, "skipsleep", '1') elif signum == 2: # don't autorefresh anymore cls.abort_soon_signal.set() elif signum == 3: # abort ASAP cls.abort_NOW_signal.set() def get_abort_event(self): """Checks if an abort signal had been sent. If the 'skipsleep' config option for this account had been set, with `set_abort_event(config, 1)` it will get cleared in this function. Ie, we will only skip one sleep and not all. :returns: True, if the main thread had called :meth:`set_abort_event` earlier, otherwise 'False'. """ skipsleep = self.getconfboolean("skipsleep", 0) if skipsleep: self.config.set(self.getsection(), "skipsleep", '0') return skipsleep or Account.abort_soon_signal.is_set() or \ Account.abort_NOW_signal.is_set() def _sleeper(self): """Sleep if the account is set to autorefresh. :returns: 0:timeout expired, 1: canceled the timer, 2:request to abort the program, 100: if configured to not sleep at all. """ if not self.refreshperiod: return 100 kaobjs = [] if hasattr(self, 'localrepos'): kaobjs.append(self.localrepos) if hasattr(self, 'remoterepos'): kaobjs.append(self.remoterepos) for item in kaobjs: item.startkeepalive() refreshperiod = int(self.refreshperiod * 60) sleepresult = self.ui.sleep(refreshperiod, self) # Cancel keepalive for item in kaobjs: item.stopkeepalive() if sleepresult: if Account.abort_soon_signal.is_set() or \ Account.abort_NOW_signal.is_set(): return 2 self.quicknum = 0 return 1 return 0 def serverdiagnostics(self): """Output diagnostics for all involved repositories.""" remote_repo = Repository(self, 'remote') local_repo = Repository(self, 'local') #status_repo = Repository(self, 'status') self.ui.serverdiagnostics(remote_repo, 'Remote') self.ui.serverdiagnostics(local_repo, 'Local') #self.ui.serverdiagnostics(statusrepos, 'Status') class SyncableAccount(Account): """A syncable email account connecting 2 repositories. Derives from :class:`accounts.Account` but contains the additional functions :meth:`syncrunner`, :meth:`sync`, :meth:`syncfolders`, used for syncing.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Account.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._lockfd = None self._lockfilepath = os.path.join( self.config.getmetadatadir(), "%s.lock"% self) def __lock(self): """Lock the account, throwing an exception if it is locked already.""" self._lockfd = open(self._lockfilepath, 'w') try: fcntl.lockf(self._lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except NameError: #fcntl not available (Windows), disable file locking... :( pass except IOError: self._lockfd.close() raise OfflineImapError("Could not lock account %s. Is another " "instance using this account?"% self, OfflineImapError.ERROR.REPO), None, exc_info()[2] def _unlock(self): """Unlock the account, deleting the lock file""" #If we own the lock file, delete it if self._lockfd and not self._lockfd.closed: self._lockfd.close() try: os.unlink(self._lockfilepath) except OSError: pass # Failed to delete for some reason. def syncrunner(self): self.ui.registerthread(self) try: accountmetadata = self.getaccountmeta() if not os.path.exists(accountmetadata): os.mkdir(accountmetadata, 0o700) self.remoterepos = Repository(self, 'remote') self.localrepos = Repository(self, 'local') self.statusrepos = Repository(self, 'status') except OfflineImapError as e: self.ui.error(e, exc_info()[2]) if e.severity >= OfflineImapError.ERROR.CRITICAL: raise return # Loop account sync if needed (bail out after 3 failures) looping = 3 while looping: self.ui.acct(self) try: self.__lock() self.__sync() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except OfflineImapError as e: # Stop looping and bubble up Exception if needed. if e.severity >= OfflineImapError.ERROR.REPO: if looping: looping -= 1 if e.severity >= OfflineImapError.ERROR.CRITICAL: raise self.ui.error(e, exc_info()[2]) except Exception as e: self.ui.error(e, exc_info()[2], msg= "While attempting to sync account '%s'"% self) else: # after success sync, reset the looping counter to 3 if self.refreshperiod: looping = 3 finally: self.ui.acctdone(self) self._unlock() if looping and self._sleeper() >= 2: looping = 0 def get_local_folder(self, remotefolder): """Return the corresponding local folder for a given remotefolder.""" return self.localrepos.getfolder( remotefolder.getvisiblename(). replace(self.remoterepos.getsep(), self.localrepos.getsep())) def __sync(self): """Synchronize the account once, then return. Assumes that `self.remoterepos`, `self.localrepos`, and `self.statusrepos` has already been populated, so it should only be called from the :meth:`syncrunner` function.""" folderthreads = [] hook = self.getconf('presynchook', '') self.callhook(hook) quickconfig = self.getconfint('quick', 0) if quickconfig < 0: quick = True elif quickconfig > 0: if self.quicknum == 0 or self.quicknum > quickconfig: self.quicknum = 1 quick = False else: self.quicknum = self.quicknum + 1 quick = True else: quick = False try: remoterepos = self.remoterepos localrepos = self.localrepos statusrepos = self.statusrepos # init repos with list of folders, so we have them (and the # folder delimiter etc) remoterepos.getfolders() localrepos.getfolders() remoterepos.sync_folder_structure(localrepos, statusrepos) # replicate the folderstructure between REMOTE to LOCAL if not localrepos.getconfboolean('readonly', False): self.ui.syncfolders(remoterepos, localrepos) # iterate through all folders on the remote repo and sync for remotefolder in remoterepos.getfolders(): # check for CTRL-C or SIGTERM if Account.abort_NOW_signal.is_set(): break if not remotefolder.sync_this: self.ui.debug('', "Not syncing filtered folder '%s'" "[%s]"% (remotefolder, remoterepos)) continue # Ignore filtered folder localfolder = self.get_local_folder(remotefolder) if not localfolder.sync_this: self.ui.debug('', "Not syncing filtered folder '%s'" "[%s]"% (localfolder, localfolder.repository)) continue # Ignore filtered folder if not globals.options.singlethreading: thread = InstanceLimitedThread(\ instancename = 'FOLDER_' + self.remoterepos.getname(), target = syncfolder, name = "Folder %s [acc: %s]"% (remotefolder.getexplainedname(), self), args = (self, remotefolder, quick)) thread.start() folderthreads.append(thread) else: syncfolder(self, remotefolder, quick) # wait for all threads to finish for thr in folderthreads: thr.join() # Write out mailbox names if required and not in dry-run mode if not self.dryrun: mbnames.write() localrepos.forgetfolders() remoterepos.forgetfolders() except: #error while syncing. Drop all connections that we have, they #might be bogus by now (e.g. after suspend) localrepos.dropconnections() remoterepos.dropconnections() raise else: # sync went fine. Hold or drop depending on config localrepos.holdordropconnections() remoterepos.holdordropconnections() hook = self.getconf('postsynchook', '') self.callhook(hook) def callhook(self, cmd): # check for CTRL-C or SIGTERM and run postsynchook if Account.abort_NOW_signal.is_set(): return if not cmd: return try: self.ui.callhook("Calling hook: " + cmd) if self.dryrun: # don't if we are in dry-run mode return p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) r = p.communicate() self.ui.callhook("Hook stdout: %s\nHook stderr:%s\n"% r) self.ui.callhook("Hook return code: %d"% p.returncode) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception as e: self.ui.error(e, exc_info()[2], msg="Calling hook") def syncfolder(account, remotefolder, quick): """Synchronizes given remote folder for the specified account. Filtered folders on the remote side will not invoke this function.""" remoterepos = account.remoterepos localrepos = account.localrepos statusrepos = account.statusrepos ui = getglobalui() ui.registerthread(account) try: # Load local folder. localfolder = account.get_local_folder(remotefolder) # Write the mailboxes mbnames.add(account.name, localfolder.getname(), localrepos.getlocalroot()) # Load status folder. statusfolder = statusrepos.getfolder(remotefolder.getvisiblename(). replace(remoterepos.getsep(), statusrepos.getsep())) if localfolder.get_uidvalidity() == None: # This is a new folder, so delete the status cache to be # sure we don't have a conflict. # TODO: This does not work. We always return a value, need # to rework this... statusfolder.deletemessagelist() statusfolder.cachemessagelist() if quick: if (not localfolder.quickchanged(statusfolder) and not remotefolder.quickchanged(statusfolder)): ui.skippingfolder(remotefolder) localrepos.restore_atime() return # Load local folder. ui.syncingfolder(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) ui.loadmessagelist(localrepos, localfolder) localfolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(localrepos, localfolder, localfolder.getmessagecount()) # If either the local or the status folder has messages and # there is a UID validity problem, warn and abort. If there are # no messages, UW IMAPd loses UIDVALIDITY. But we don't really # need it if both local folders are empty. So, in that case, # just save it off. if localfolder.getmessagecount() or statusfolder.getmessagecount(): if not localfolder.check_uidvalidity(): ui.validityproblem(localfolder) localrepos.restore_atime() return if not remotefolder.check_uidvalidity(): ui.validityproblem(remotefolder) localrepos.restore_atime() return else: # Both folders empty, just save new UIDVALIDITY localfolder.save_uidvalidity() remotefolder.save_uidvalidity() # Load remote folder. ui.loadmessagelist(remoterepos, remotefolder) remotefolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(remoterepos, remotefolder, remotefolder.getmessagecount()) # Synchronize remote changes. if not localrepos.getconfboolean('readonly', False): ui.syncingmessages(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) remotefolder.syncmessagesto(localfolder, statusfolder) else: ui.debug('imap', "Not syncing to read-only repository '%s'" \ % localrepos.getname()) # Synchronize local changes if not remoterepos.getconfboolean('readonly', False): ui.syncingmessages(localrepos, localfolder, remoterepos, remotefolder) localfolder.syncmessagesto(remotefolder, statusfolder) else: ui.debug('', "Not syncing to read-only repository '%s'" \ % remoterepos.getname()) statusfolder.save() localrepos.restore_atime() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except OfflineImapError as e: # bubble up severe Errors, skip folder otherwise if e.severity > OfflineImapError.ERROR.FOLDER: raise else: ui.error(e, exc_info()[2], msg = "Aborting sync, folder '%s' " "[acc: '%s']" % (localfolder, account)) except Exception as e: ui.error(e, msg = "ERROR in syncfolder for %s folder %s: %s"% (account, remotefolder.getvisiblename(), traceback.format_exc())) finally: for folder in ["statusfolder", "localfolder", "remotefolder"]: if folder in locals(): locals()[folder].dropmessagelistcache()