# Sample configuration file
# Copyright (C) 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# This file documents all possible options and can be quite scary.
# Looking for a quick start?  Take a look at offlineimap.conf.minimal.

# Settings support interpolation. This means values can contain python
# format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or
# values in a special DEFAULT section. This allows you for example to
# use common settings for multiple accounts:
# [Repository Gmail1]
# trashfolder: %(gmailtrashfolder)s
# [Repository Gmail2]
# trashfolder: %(gmailtrashfolder)s
# gmailtrashfolder = [Google Mail]/Papierkorb
# would set the trashfolder setting for your German gmail accounts.

# General definitions


# This specifies where offlineimap is to store its metadata.
# This directory will be created if it does not already exist.

metadata = ~/.offlineimap

# This variable specifies which accounts are defined.  Separate them
# with commas.  Account names should be alphanumeric only.
# You will need to specify one section per account below.  You may
# not use "general" for an account name.

accounts = Test

# Offlineimap can synchronize more than one account at a time.  If you
# want to enable this feature, set the below value to something
# greater than 1.  To force it to synchronize only one account at a
# time, set it to 1.
# Note: if you are using autorefresh and have more than one account,
# you must set this number to be >= to the number of accounts you have;
# since any given sync run never "finishes" due to a timer, you will never
# sync your additional accounts if this is 1.

maxsyncaccounts = 1

# You can specify one or more user interface modules for OfflineIMAP
# to use.  OfflineIMAP will try the first in the list, and if it
# fails, the second, and so forth.
# The pre-defined options are:
# Blinkenlights -- A fancy (terminal) interface
# TTYUI         -- a text-based (terminal) interface
# Basic         -- Noninteractive interface suitable for cron'ing
# Quiet         -- Noninteractive interface, generates no output
#                  except for errors.
# MachineUI     -- Interactive interface suitable for machine
#                  parsing.
# You can override this with a command-line option -u.

ui = Blinkenlights

# If you try to synchronize messages to a folder which the IMAP server
# considers read-only, OfflineIMAP will generate a warning.  If you want
# to suppress these warnings, set ignore-readonly to yes.  Read-only
# IMAP folders allow reading but not modification, so if you try to
# change messages in the local copy of such a folder, the IMAP server
# will prevent OfflineIMAP from propagating those changes to the IMAP
# server.  Note that ignore-readonly is unrelated to the "readonly"
# setting which prevents a repository from being modified at all.
ignore-readonly = no

########## Advanced settings

# You can give a Python source filename here and all config file
# python snippets will be evaluated in the context of that file.
# This allows you to e.g. define helper functions in the Python
# source file and call them from this config file.  You can find
# an example of this in the manual.
# pythonfile = ~/.offlineimap.py

# By default, OfflineIMAP will not exit due to a network error until
# the operating system returns an error code.  Operating systems can sometimes
# take forever to notice this.  Here you can activate a timeout on the
# socket.  This timeout applies to individual socket reads and writes,
# not to an overall sync operation.  You could perfectly well have a 30s
# timeout here and your sync still take minutes.
# Values in the 30-120 second range are reasonable.
# The default is to have no timeout beyond the OS.  Times are given in seconds.
# socktimeout = 60

# By default, OfflineIMAP will use fsync() to force data out to disk at
# opportune times to ensure consistency.  This can, however, reduce
# performance.  Users where /home is on SSD (Flash) may also wish to reduce
# write cycles.  Therefore, you can disable OfflineIMAP's use of fsync().
# Doing so will come at the expense of greater risk of message duplication
# in the event of a system crash or power loss.  Default is fsync = true.
# Set fsync = false ot disable fsync.
# fsync = true

# Mailbox name recorder


# offlineimap can record your mailbox names in a format you specify.
# You can define the header, each mailbox item, the separator,
# and the footer.  Here is an example for Mutt.
# If enabled is yes, all six setting must be specified, even if they
# are just the empty string "".
# The header, peritem, sep, and footer are all Python expressions passed
# through eval, so you can (and must) use Python quoting.

enabled = no
filename = ~/Mutt/muttrc.mailboxes
header = "mailboxes "
peritem = "+%(accountname)s/%(foldername)s"
sep = " "
footer = "\n"

# You can also specify a folderfilter.  It will apply to the
# *translated* folder name here, and it takes TWO arguments:
# accountname and foldername.  In all other ways, it will
# behave identically to the folderfilter for accounts.  Please see
# that section for more information and examples.
# Note that this filter can be used only to further restrict mbnames
# to a subset of folders that pass the account's folderfilter.

# Accounts

# This is an account definition clause.  You'll have one of these
# for each account listed in general/accounts above.

[Account Test]
########## Basic settings

# These settings specify the two folders that you will be syncing.
# You'll need to have a "Repository ..." section for each one.

localrepository = LocalExample
remoterepository = RemoteExample

########## Advanced settings

# You can have offlineimap continue running indefinitely, automatically
# syncing your mail periodically.  If you want that, specify how
# frequently to do that (in minutes) here.  You can also specify
# fractional minutes (ie, 3.25).

# autorefresh = 5

# OfflineImap can replace a number of full updates by quick
# synchronizations.  It only synchronizes a folder if 1) a Maildir
# folder has changed, or 2) if an IMAP folder has received new messages
# or had messages deleted, ie it does not update if only IMAP flags have
# changed.  Full updates need to fetch ALL flags for all messages, so
# this makes quite a performance difference (especially if syncing
# between two IMAP servers).
# Specify 0 for never, -1 for always (works even in non-autorefresh
# mode), or a positive integer <n> to do <n> quick updates before doing
# another full synchronization (requires autorefresh).  Updates are
# always performed after <autorefresh> minutes, be they quick or full.

# quick = 10

# You can specify a pre and post sync hook to execute a external command.
# In this case a call to imapfilter to filter mail before the sync process
# starts and a custom shell script after the sync completes.
# The pre sync script has to complete before a sync to the account will
# start. 

# presynchook = imapfilter
# postsynchook = notifysync.sh

# You can also specify parameters to the commands
# presynchook = imapfilter -c someotherconfig.lua

# OfflineImap caches the state of the synchronisation to e.g. be able to
# determine if a mail has been deleted on one side or added on the
# other.
# The default and historical backend is 'plain' which writes out the
# state in plain text files. On Repositories with large numbers of
# mails, the performance might not be optimal, as we write out the
# complete file for each change.  Another new backend 'sqlite' is
# available which stores the status in sqlite databases.
# If you switch the backend, you may want to delete the old cache
# directory in ~/.offlineimap/Account-<account>/LocalStatus manually
# once you are sure that things work.
#status_backend = plain

# If you have a limited amount of bandwidth available you can exclude larger
# messages (e.g. those with large attachments etc).  If you do this it
# will appear to offlineimap that these messages do not exist at all.  They
# will not be copied, have flags changed etc.  For this to work on an IMAP
# server the server must have server side search enabled.  This works with gmail
# and most imap servers (e.g. cyrus etc)
# The maximum size should be specified in bytes - e.g. 2000000 for approx 2MB

# maxsize = 2000000

# When you are starting to sync an already existing account yuo can tell offlineimap
# to sync messages from only the last x days.  When you do this messages older than x
# days will be completely ignored.  This can be useful for importing existing accounts
# when you do not want to download large amounts of archive email.

# Messages older than maxage days will not be synced, their flags will
# not be changed, they will not be deleted etc.  For offlineimap it will be like these
# messages do not exist.  This will perform an IMAP search in the case of IMAP or Gmail
# and therefor requires that the server support server side searching.  This will
# calculate the earliest day that would be included in the search and include all 
# messages from that day until today.   e.g. maxage = 3 to sync only the last 3 days mail

# maxage = 3

# Maildir format uses colon (:) separator between uniq name and info.
# Unfortunatelly colon is not allowed character in windows file name. If you
# enable maildir-windows-compatible option, offlineimap will be able to store
# messages on windows drive, but you will probably loose compatibility with
# other programs working with the maildir

# maildir-windows-compatible = no

[Repository LocalExample]

# This is one of the two repositories that you'll work with given the
# above example.  Each repository requires a "type" declaration.
# The types supported are Maildir and IMAP.

type = Maildir

# Specify local repository.  Your IMAP folders will be synchronized
# to maildirs created under this path.  OfflineIMAP will create the
# maildirs for you as needed.

localfolders = ~/Test

# You can specify the "path separator character" used for your Maildir
# folders.  This is inserted in-between the components of the tree.
# It defaults to ".".  If you want your Maildir folders to be nested,
# set it to "/".

sep = .

# Some users may not want the atime (last access time) of folders to be
# modified by OfflineIMAP.  If 'restoreatime' is set to yes, OfflineIMAP
# will restore the atime of the "new" and "cur" folders in each maildir
# folder to their original value after each sync.
# In nearly all cases, the default should be fine.

restoreatime = no

[Repository RemoteExample]

# And this is the remote repository.  We only support IMAP or Gmail here.

type = IMAP

# The following can fetch the account credentials via a python expression that
# is parsed from the pythonfile parameter. For example, a function called
# "getcredentials" that parses a file "filename" and returns the account
# details for "hostname".
# remotehosteval = getcredentials("filename", "hostname", "hostname")
# remoteusereval = getcredentials("filename", "hostname", "user")
# remotepasseval = getcredentials("filename", "hostname", "passwd")

# Specify the remote hostname.
remotehost = examplehost

# Whether or not to use SSL.
ssl = yes

# SSL Client certificate (optional)
# sslclientcert = /path/to/file.crt

# SSL Client key (optional)
# sslclientkey = /path/to/file.key

# SSL CA Cert(s) to verify the server cert against (optional).
# No SSL verification is done without this option. If it is
# specified, the CA Cert(s) need to verify the Server cert AND
# match the hostname (* wildcard allowed on the left hand side)
# The certificate should be in PEM format.
# sslcacertfile = /path/to/cacertfile.crt

# If you connect via SSL/TLS (ssl=true) and you have no CA certificate
# specified, offlineimap will refuse to sync as it connects to a server
# with an unknown "fingerprint". If you are sure you connect to the
# correct server, you can then configure the presented server
# fingerprint here. OfflineImap will verify that the server fingerprint
# has not changed on each connect and refuse to connect otherwise.
# You can also configure this in addition to CA certificate validation
# above and it will check both ways.  cert_fingerprint =
# <SHA1_of_server_certificate_here>

# Specify the port.  If not specified, use a default port.
# remoteport = 993

# Specify the remote user name.
remoteuser = username

# There are six ways to specify the password for the IMAP server:
# 1. No password at all specified in the config file.
#    If a matching entry is found in ~/.netrc (see netrc (5) for
#    information) this password will be used. Do note that netrc only
#    allows one entry per hostname. If there is no ~/.netrc file but
#    there is an /etc/netrc file, the password will instead be taken
#    from there. Otherwise you will be prompted for the password when
#    OfflineIMAP starts when using a UI that supports this.
# 2. The remote password stored in this file with the remotepass
#    option. Example:
#    remotepass = mypassword
# 3. The remote password stored as a single line in an external
#    file, which is referenced by the remotefile option.  Example:
#    remotepassfile = ~/Password.IMAP.Account1
# 4. With a preauth tunnel.  With this method, you invoke an external
#    program that is guaranteed *NOT* to ask for a password, but rather
#    to read from stdin and write to stdout an IMAP procotol stream that
#    begins life in the PREAUTH state.  When you use a tunnel, you do
#    NOT specify a user or password (if you do, they'll be ignored.)
#    Instead, you specify a preauthtunnel, as this example illustrates
#    for Courier IMAP on Debian:
#    preauthtunnel = ssh -q imaphost '/usr/bin/imapd ./Maildir'
# 5. If you are using Kerberos and have the Python Kerberos package
#    installed, you should not specify a remotepass.  If the user has a
#    valid Kerberos TGT, OfflineIMAP will figure out the rest all by
#    itself, and fall back to password authentication if needed.
# 6. Using arbitrary python code.  With this method, you invoke a
#    function from your pythonfile.  To use this method assign the name
#    of the function to the variable 'remotepasseval'.  Example:
#    remotepasseval = get_password("imap.example.net")
#    You can also query for the username:
#    remoteusereval = get_username("imap.example.net")
#    This method can be used to design more elaborate setups, e.g. by
#    querying the gnome-keyring via its python bindings.

########## Advanced settings

# Some IMAP servers need a "reference" which often refers to the "folder
# root".  This is most commonly needed with UW IMAP, where you might
# need to specify the directory in which your mail is stored. The
# 'reference' value will be prefixed to all folder paths refering to
# that repository. E.g. accessing folder 'INBOX' with reference = Mail
# will try to access Mail/INBOX. Note that the nametrans and
# folderfilter functions will still apply the full path including the
# reference prefix.  Most users will not need this.
# reference = Mail

# In between synchronisations, OfflineIMAP can monitor mailboxes for new
# messages using the IDLE command. If you want to enable this, specify here
# the folders you wish to monitor. Note that the IMAP protocol requires a
# separate connection for each folder monitored in this way, so setting
# this option will force settings for:
#     maxconnections - to be at least the number of folders you give
#     holdconnectionopen - to be true
#     keepalive - to be 29 minutes unless you specify otherwise
# This feature isn't complete and may well have problems. See the manual
# for more details.
# This option should return a Python list. For example
# idlefolders = ['INBOX', 'INBOX.Alerts']

# OfflineIMAP can use multiple connections to the server in order
# to perform multiple synchronization actions simultaneously.
# This may place a higher burden on the server.  In most cases,
# setting this value to 2 or 3 will speed up the sync, but in some
# cases, it may slow things down.  The safe answer is 1.  You should
# probably never set it to a value more than 5.

maxconnections = 2

# OfflineIMAP normally closes IMAP server connections between refreshes if
# the global option autorefresh is specified.  If you wish it to keep the
# connection open, set this to true.  If not specified, the default is
# false.  Keeping the connection open means a faster sync start the
# next time and may use fewer server resources on connection, but uses
# more server memory.  This setting has no effect if autorefresh is not set.

holdconnectionopen = no

# If you want to have "keepalives" sent while waiting between syncs,
# specify the amount of time IN SECONDS between keepalives here.  Note that
# sometimes more than this amount of time might pass, so don't make it
# tight.  This setting has no effect if autorefresh and holdconnectionopen
# are not both set.

# keepalive = 60

# Normally, OfflineIMAP will expunge deleted messages from the server.
# You can disable that if you wish.  This means that OfflineIMAP will
# mark them deleted on the server, but not actually delete them.
# You must use some other IMAP client to delete them if you use this
# setting; otherwise, the messgaes will just pile up there forever.
# Therefore, this setting is definitely NOT recommended.
# expunge = no

# Specify whether to process all mail folders on the server, or only
# those listed as "subscribed".
subscribedonly = no

# You can specify a folder translator.  This must be a eval-able
# Python expression that takes a foldername arg and returns the new
# value.  I suggest a lambda.  This example below will remove "INBOX." from
# the leading edge of folders (great for Courier IMAP users)
# WARNING: you MUST construct this such that it NEVER returns
# the same value for two folders, UNLESS the second values are
# filtered out by folderfilter below.  Failure to follow this rule
# will result in undefined behavior
# nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^INBOX\.', '', foldername)

# Using Courier remotely and want to duplicate its mailbox naming
# locally?  Try this:
# nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^INBOX\.*', '.', foldername)

# You can specify which folders to sync using the folderfilter
# setting. You can provide any python function (e.g. a lambda function)
# which will be invoked for each foldername. If the filter function
# returns True, the folder will be synced, if it returns False, it. The
# folderfilter operates on the *UNTRANSLATED* name (before any nametrans
# translation takes place).
# Example 1: synchronizing only INBOX and Sent.
# folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in ['INBOX', 'Sent']
# Example 2: synchronizing everything except Trash.
# folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['Trash']
# Example 3: Using a regular expression to exclude Trash and all folders
# containing the characters "Del".
# folderfilter = lambda foldername: not re.search('(^Trash$|Del)', foldername)
# If folderfilter is not specified, ALL remote folders will be
# synchronized.
# You can span multiple lines by indenting the others.  (Use backslashes
# at the end when required by Python syntax)  For instance:
# folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in
#        ['INBOX', 'Sent Mail', 'Deleted Items',
#         'Received']

# You can specify folderincludes to include additional folders.  It
# should return a Python list.  This might be used to include a folder
# that was excluded by your folderfilter rule, to include a folder that
# your server does not specify with its LIST option, or to include a
# folder that is outside your basic reference. The 'reference' value
# will not be prefixed to this folder name, even if you have specified
# one.  For example:
# folderincludes = ['debian.user', 'debian.personal']

# You can specify foldersort to determine how folders are sorted.
# This affects order of synchronization and mbnames. The expression
# should return -1, 0, or 1, as the default Python cmp() does.  The
# two arguments, x and y, are strings representing the names of the folders
# to be sorted.  The sorting is applied *AFTER* nametrans, if any.
# To reverse the sort:
# foldersort = lambda x, y: -cmp(x, y)

# Enable 1-way synchronization. When setting 'readonly' to True, this
# repository will not be modified during synchronization. Use to
# e.g. backup an IMAP server. The readonly setting can be applied to any
# type of Repository (Maildir, Imap, etc).
readonly = False

[Repository GmailExample]

# A repository using Gmail's IMAP interface.  Any configuration
# parameter of `IMAP` type repositories can be used here.  Only
# `remoteuser` (or `remoteusereval` ) is mandatory.  Default values
# for other parameters are OK, and you should not need fiddle with
# those.
# The Gmail repository will use hard-coded values for `remotehost`,
# `remoteport`, `tunnel` and `ssl`.  (See
# http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78799&topic=12814)
# Any attempt to set those parameters will be silently ignored.

type = Gmail

# Specify the Gmail user name. This is the only mandatory parameter.
remoteuser = username@gmail.com

# Deleting a message from a Gmail folder via the IMAP interface will
# just remove that folder's label from the message: the message will
# continue to exist in the '[Gmail]/All Mail' folder.  If `realdelete`
# is set to `True`, then deleted messages will really be deleted
# during `offlineimap` sync, by moving them to the '[Gmail]/Trash'
# folder.  BEWARE: this will delete a messages from *all folders* it
# belongs to!
# See http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=77657&topic=12815
realdelete = no

# The trash folder name may be different from [Gmail]/Trash
# for example on german googlemail, this setting should be
# trashfolder = [Google Mail]/Papierkorb
# The same is valid for the spam folder
# spamfolder = [Google Mail]/Spam

# Enable 1-way synchronization. See above for explanation.
readonly = False