# IMAP utility module # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen # <jgoerzen@complete.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import re import string import types from offlineimap.ui import getglobalui quotere = re.compile('^("(?:[^"]|\\\\")*")') def debug(*args): msg = [] for arg in args: msg.append(str(arg)) getglobalui().debug('imap', " ".join(msg)) def dequote(string): """Takes a string which may or may not be quoted and returns it, unquoted. This function does NOT consider parenthised lists to be quoted. """ if not (string[0] == '"' and string[-1] == '"'): return string string = string[1:-1] # Strip off quotes. string = string.replace('\\"', '"') string = string.replace('\\\\', '\\') debug("dequote() returning:", string) return string def flagsplit(string): if string[0] != '(' or string[-1] != ')': raise ValueError, "Passed string '%s' is not a flag list" % string return imapsplit(string[1:-1]) def options2hash(list): retval = {} counter = 0 while (counter < len(list)): retval[list[counter]] = list[counter + 1] counter += 2 debug("options2hash returning:", retval) return retval def flags2hash(string): return options2hash(flagsplit(string)) def imapsplit(imapstring): """Takes a string from an IMAP conversation and returns a list containing its components. One example string is: (\\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Sent" The result from parsing this will be: ['(\\HasNoChildren)', '"."', '"INBOX.Sent"']""" if type(imapstring) != types.StringType: debug("imapsplit() got a non-string input; working around.") # Sometimes, imaplib will throw us a tuple if the input # contains a literal. See Python bug # #619732 at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=619732&group_id=5470&atid=105470 # One example is: # result[0] = '() "\\\\" Admin' # result[1] = ('() "\\\\" {19}', 'Folder\\2') # # This function will effectively get result[0] or result[1], so # if we get the result[1] version, we need to parse apart the tuple # and figure out what to do with it. Each even-numbered # part of it should end with the {} number, and each odd-numbered # part should be directly a part of the result. We'll # artificially quote it to help out. retval = [] for i in range(len(imapstring)): if i % 2: # Odd: quote then append. arg = imapstring[i] # Quote code lifted from imaplib arg = arg.replace('\\', '\\\\') arg = arg.replace('"', '\\"') arg = '"%s"' % arg debug("imapsplit() non-string [%d]: Appending %s" %\ (i, arg)) retval.append(arg) else: # Even -- we have a string that ends with a literal # size specifier. We need to strip off that, then run # what remains through the regular imapsplit parser. # Recursion to the rescue. arg = imapstring[i] arg = re.sub('\{\d+\}$', '', arg) debug("imapsplit() non-string [%d]: Feeding %s to recursion" %\ (i, arg)) retval.extend(imapsplit(arg)) debug("imapsplit() non-string: returning %s" % str(retval)) return retval workstr = imapstring.strip() retval = [] while len(workstr): if workstr[0] == '(': rparenc = 1 # count of right parenthesis to match rpareni = 1 # position to examine while rparenc: # Find the end of the group. if workstr[rpareni] == ')': # end of a group rparenc -= 1 elif workstr[rpareni] == '(': # start of a group rparenc += 1 rpareni += 1 # Move to next character. parenlist = workstr[0:rpareni] workstr = workstr[rpareni:].lstrip() retval.append(parenlist) elif workstr[0] == '"': quotelist = quotere.search(workstr).group(1) workstr = workstr[len(quotelist):].lstrip() retval.append(quotelist) else: splits = string.split(workstr, maxsplit = 1) splitslen = len(splits) # The unquoted word is splits[0]; the remainder is splits[1] if splitslen == 2: # There's an unquoted word, and more string follows. retval.append(splits[0]) workstr = splits[1] # split will have already lstripped it continue elif splitslen == 1: # We got a last unquoted word, but nothing else retval.append(splits[0]) # Nothing remains. workstr would be '' break elif splitslen == 0: # There was not even an unquoted word. break debug("imapsplit() returning:", retval) return retval flagmap = [('\\Seen', 'S'), ('\\Answered', 'R'), ('\\Flagged', 'F'), ('\\Deleted', 'T'), ('\\Draft', 'D')] def flagsimap2maildir(flagstring): retval = [] imapflaglist = [x.lower() for x in flagstring[1:-1].split()] for imapflag, maildirflag in flagmap: if imapflag.lower() in imapflaglist: retval.append(maildirflag) retval.sort() return retval def flagsmaildir2imap(maildirflaglist): retval = [] for imapflag, maildirflag in flagmap: if maildirflag in maildirflaglist: retval.append(imapflag) retval.sort() return '(' + ' '.join(retval) + ')' def listjoin(list): start = None end = None retval = [] def getlist(start, end): if start == end: return(str(start)) else: return(str(start) + ":" + str(end)) for item in list: if start == None: # First item. start = item end = item elif item == end + 1: # An addition to the list. end = item else: # Here on: starting a new list. retval.append(getlist(start, end)) start = item end = item if start != None: retval.append(getlist(start, end)) return ",".join(retval)