# Maildir repository support # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from Base import BaseRepository from offlineimap import folder, imaputil from offlineimap.ui import UIBase from mailbox import Maildir import os class MaildirRepository(BaseRepository): def __init__(self, reposname, account): """Initialize a MaildirRepository object. Takes a path name to the directory holding all the Maildir directories.""" BaseRepository.__init__(self, reposname, account) self.root = self.getlocalroot() self.folders = None self.ui = UIBase.getglobalui() self.debug("MaildirRepository initialized, sep is " + repr(self.getsep())) def getrestoreatime(self): return self.getconfboolean('restoreatime', 0) def getlocalroot(self): return os.path.expanduser(self.getconf('localfolders')) def debug(self, msg): self.ui.debug('maildir', msg) def getsep(self): return self.getconf('sep', '.').strip() def makefolder(self, foldername): self.debug("makefolder called with arg " + repr(foldername)) # Do the chdir thing so the call to makedirs does not make the # self.root directory (we'd prefer to raise an error in that case), # but will make the (relative) paths underneath it. Need to use # makedirs to support a / separator. if self.getsep() == '/': for invalid in ['new', 'cur', 'tmp', 'offlineimap.uidvalidity']: for component in foldername.split('/'): assert component != invalid, "When using nested folders (/ as a separator in the account config), your folder names may not contain 'new', 'cur', 'tmp', or 'offlineimap.uidvalidity'." assert foldername.find('./') == -1, "Folder names may not contain ../" assert not foldername.startswith('/'), "Folder names may not begin with /" oldcwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.root) # If we're using hierarchical folders, it's possible that sub-folders # may be created before higher-up ones. If this is the case, # makedirs will fail because the higher-up dir already exists. # So, check to see if this is indeed the case. if (self.getsep() == '/' or self.getconfboolean('existsok', 0)) \ and os.path.isdir(foldername): self.debug("makefolder: %s already is a directory" % foldername) # Already exists. Sanity-check that it's not a Maildir. for subdir in ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']: assert not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(foldername, subdir)), \ "Tried to create folder %s but it already had dir %s" %\ (foldername, subdir) else: self.debug("makefolder: calling makedirs %s" % foldername) os.makedirs(foldername, 0700) self.debug("makefolder: creating cur, new, tmp") for subdir in ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']: os.mkdir(os.path.join(foldername, subdir), 0700) # Invalidate the cache self.folders = None os.chdir(oldcwd) def deletefolder(self, foldername): self.ui.warn("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: DELETE FOLDER %s" % foldername) def getfolder(self, foldername): return folder.Maildir.MaildirFolder(self.root, foldername, self.getsep(), self, self.accountname) def _getfolders_scandir(self, root, extension = None): self.debug("_GETFOLDERS_SCANDIR STARTING. root = %s, extension = %s" \ % (root, extension)) # extension willl only be non-None when called recursively when # getsep() returns '/'. retval = [] # Configure the full path to this repository -- "toppath" if extension == None: toppath = root else: toppath = os.path.join(root, extension) self.debug(" toppath = %s" % toppath) # Iterate over directories in top. for dirname in os.listdir(toppath) + ['.']: self.debug(" *** top of loop") self.debug(" dirname = %s" % dirname) if dirname in ['cur', 'new', 'tmp', 'offlineimap.uidvalidity']: self.debug(" skipping this dir (Maildir special)") # Bypass special files. continue fullname = os.path.join(toppath, dirname) self.debug(" fullname = %s" % fullname) if not os.path.isdir(fullname): self.debug(" skipping this entry (not a directory)") # Not a directory -- not a folder. continue foldername = dirname if extension != None: foldername = os.path.join(extension, dirname) if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullname, 'cur')) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullname, 'new')) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullname, 'tmp'))): # This directory has maildir stuff -- process self.debug(" This is a maildir folder.") self.debug(" foldername = %s" % foldername) retval.append(folder.Maildir.MaildirFolder(self.root, foldername, self.getsep(), self, self.accountname)) if self.getsep() == '/' and dirname != '.': # Check sub-directories for folders. retval.extend(self._getfolders_scandir(root, foldername)) self.debug("_GETFOLDERS_SCANDIR RETURNING %s" % \ repr([x.getname() for x in retval])) return retval def getfolders(self): if self.folders == None: self.folders = self._getfolders_scandir(self.root) return self.folders