# Curses-based interfaces # Copyright (C) 2003 John Goerzen # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from threading import RLock, Lock, Event import time import sys import os import signal import curses from Blinkenlights import BlinkenBase from UIBase import UIBase import offlineimap acctkeys = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-=;/.,' class CursesUtil: def __init__(self): self.pairlock = Lock() # iolock protects access to the self.iolock = RLock() self.start() def initpairs(self): self.pairlock.acquire() try: self.pairs = {self._getpairindex(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK): 0} self.nextpair = 1 finally: self.pairlock.release() def lock(self): """Locks the Curses ui thread Can be invoked multiple times from the owning thread. Invoking from a non-owning thread blocks and waits until it has been unlocked by the owning thread.""" self.iolock.acquire() def unlock(self): """Unlocks the Curses ui thread Decrease the lock counter by one and unlock the ui thread if the counter reaches 0. Only call this method when the calling thread owns the lock. A RuntimeError is raised if this method is called when the lock is unlocked.""" self.iolock.release() def locked(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an operation with full locking.""" self.lock() try: apply(target, args, kwargs) finally: self.unlock() def refresh(self): def lockedstuff(): curses.panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate() self.locked(lockedstuff) def isactive(self): return hasattr(self, 'stdscr') def _getpairindex(self, fg, bg): return '%d/%d' % (fg,bg) def getpair(self, fg, bg): if not self.has_color: return 0 pindex = self._getpairindex(fg, bg) self.pairlock.acquire() try: if self.pairs.has_key(pindex): return curses.color_pair(self.pairs[pindex]) else: self.pairs[pindex] = self.nextpair curses.init_pair(self.nextpair, fg, bg) self.nextpair += 1 return curses.color_pair(self.nextpair - 1) finally: self.pairlock.release() def start(self): self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(1) try: curses.start_color() self.has_color = curses.has_colors() except: self.has_color = 0 self.oldcursor = None try: self.oldcursor = curses.curs_set(0) except: pass self.stdscr.clear() self.stdscr.refresh() (self.height, self.width) = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.initpairs() def stop(self): if not hasattr(self, 'stdscr'): return #self.stdscr.addstr(self.height - 1, 0, "\n", # self.getpair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, # curses.COLOR_BLACK)) if self.oldcursor != None: curses.curs_set(self.oldcursor) self.stdscr.refresh() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin() del self.stdscr def reset(self): # dirty walkaround for bug http://bugs.python.org/issue7567 in python 2.6 to 2.6.5 (fixed since #83743) if (sys.version_info[0:3] >= (2,6) and sys.version_info[0:3] <= (2,6,5)): return self.stop() self.start() class CursesAccountFrame: def __init__(s, master, accountname, ui): s.c = master s.children = [] s.accountname = accountname s.ui = ui def drawleadstr(s, secs = None): if secs == None: acctstr = '%s: [active] %13.13s: ' % (s.key, s.accountname) else: acctstr = '%s: [%3d:%02d] %13.13s: ' % (s.key, secs / 60, secs % 60, s.accountname) s.c.locked(s.window.addstr, 0, 0, acctstr) s.location = len(acctstr) def setwindow(s, window, key): s.window = window s.key = key s.drawleadstr() for child in s.children: child.update(window, 0, s.location) s.location += 1 def getnewthreadframe(s): tf = CursesThreadFrame(s.c, s.ui, s.window, 0, s.location) s.location += 1 s.children.append(tf) return tf def startsleep(s, sleepsecs): s.sleeping_abort = 0 def sleeping(s, sleepsecs, remainingsecs): if remainingsecs: s.c.lock() try: s.drawleadstr(remainingsecs) s.window.refresh() finally: s.c.unlock() time.sleep(sleepsecs) else: s.c.lock() try: s.drawleadstr() s.window.refresh() finally: s.c.unlock() return s.sleeping_abort def syncnow(s): s.sleeping_abort = 1 class CursesThreadFrame: def __init__(s, master, ui, window, y, x): """master should be a CursesUtil object.""" s.c = master s.ui = ui s.window = window s.x = x s.y = y s.colors = [] bg = curses.COLOR_BLACK s.colormap = {'black': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_BLACK, bg), 'gray': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, bg), 'white': curses.A_BOLD | s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, bg), 'blue': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_BLUE, bg), 'red': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_RED, bg), 'purple': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, bg), 'cyan': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_CYAN, bg), 'green': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_GREEN, bg), 'orange': s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_YELLOW, bg), 'yellow': curses.A_BOLD | s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_YELLOW, bg), 'pink': curses.A_BOLD | s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_RED, bg)} #s.setcolor('gray') s.setcolor('black') def setcolor(self, color): self.color = self.colormap[color] self.colorname = color self.display() def display(self): def lockedstuff(): if self.getcolor() == 'black': self.window.addstr(self.y, self.x, ' ', self.color) else: self.window.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.ui.config.getdefault("ui.Curses.Blinkenlights", "statuschar", '.'), self.color) self.c.stdscr.move(self.c.height - 1, self.c.width - 1) self.window.refresh() self.c.locked(lockedstuff) def getcolor(self): return self.colorname def getcolorpair(self): return self.color def update(self, window, y, x): self.window = window self.y = y self.x = x self.display() def setthread(self, newthread): self.setcolor('black') #if newthread: # self.setcolor('gray') #else: # self.setcolor('black') class InputHandler: def __init__(s, util): s.c = util s.bgchar = None s.inputlock = Lock() s.lockheld = 0 s.statuslock = Lock() s.startup = Event() s.startthread() def startthread(s): s.thread = offlineimap.threadutil.ExitNotifyThread(target = s.bgreaderloop, name = "InputHandler loop") s.thread.setDaemon(1) s.thread.start() def bgreaderloop(s): while 1: s.statuslock.acquire() if s.lockheld or s.bgchar == None: s.statuslock.release() s.startup.wait() else: s.statuslock.release() ch = s.c.stdscr.getch() s.statuslock.acquire() try: if s.lockheld or s.bgchar == None: curses.ungetch(ch) else: s.bgchar(ch) finally: s.statuslock.release() def set_bgchar(s, callback): """Sets a "background" character handler. If a key is pressed while not doing anything else, it will be passed to this handler. callback is a function taking a single arg -- the char pressed. If callback is None, clears the request.""" s.statuslock.acquire() oldhandler = s.bgchar newhandler = callback s.bgchar = callback if oldhandler and not newhandler: pass if newhandler and not oldhandler: s.startup.set() s.statuslock.release() def input_acquire(s): """Call this method when you want exclusive input control. Make sure to call input_release afterwards! """ s.inputlock.acquire() s.statuslock.acquire() s.lockheld = 1 s.statuslock.release() def input_release(s): """Call this method when you are done getting input.""" s.statuslock.acquire() s.lockheld = 0 s.statuslock.release() s.inputlock.release() s.startup.set() class Blinkenlights(BlinkenBase, UIBase): def init_banner(s): s.af = {} s.aflock = Lock() s.c = CursesUtil() s.text = [] BlinkenBase.init_banner(s) s.setupwindows() s.inputhandler = InputHandler(s.c) s.gettf().setcolor('red') s._msg(offlineimap.banner) s.inputhandler.set_bgchar(s.keypress) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, s.resizehandler) s.resizelock = Lock() s.resizecount = 0 def resizehandler(s, signum, frame): s.resizeterm() def resizeterm(s, dosleep = 1): if not s.resizelock.acquire(0): s.resizecount += 1 return signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_IGN) s.aflock.acquire() s.c.lock() s.resizecount += 1 while s.resizecount: s.c.reset() s.setupwindows() s.resizecount -= 1 s.c.unlock() s.aflock.release() s.resizelock.release() signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, s.resizehandler) if dosleep: time.sleep(1) s.resizeterm(0) def isusable(s): # Not a terminal? Can't use curses. if not sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.stdin.isatty(): return 0 # No TERM specified? Can't use curses. try: if not len(os.environ['TERM']): return 0 except: return 0 # ncurses doesn't want to start? Can't use curses. # This test is nasty because initscr() actually EXITS on error. # grr. pid = os.fork() if pid: # parent return not os.WEXITSTATUS(os.waitpid(pid, 0)[1]) else: # child curses.initscr() curses.endwin() # If we didn't die by here, indicate success. sys.exit(0) def keypress(s, key): if key < 1 or key > 255: return if chr(key) == 'q': # Request to quit. s.terminate() try: index = acctkeys.index(chr(key)) except ValueError: # Key not a valid one: exit. return if index >= len(s.hotkeys): # Not in our list of valid hotkeys. return # Trying to end sleep somewhere. s.getaccountframe(s.hotkeys[index]).syncnow() def getpass(s, accountname, config, errmsg = None): s.inputhandler.input_acquire() # See comment on _msg for info on why both locks are obtained. s.tflock.acquire() s.c.lock() try: s.gettf().setcolor('white') s._addline(" *** Input Required", s.gettf().getcolorpair()) s._addline(" *** Please enter password for account %s: " % accountname, s.gettf().getcolorpair()) s.logwindow.refresh() password = s.logwindow.getstr() finally: s.tflock.release() s.c.unlock() s.inputhandler.input_release() return password def setupwindows(s): s.c.lock() try: s.bannerwindow = curses.newwin(1, s.c.width, 0, 0) s.setupwindow_drawbanner() s.logheight = s.c.height - 1 - len(s.af.keys()) s.logwindow = curses.newwin(s.logheight, s.c.width, 1, 0) s.logwindow.idlok(1) s.logwindow.scrollok(1) s.logwindow.move(s.logheight - 1, 0) s.setupwindow_drawlog() accounts = s.af.keys() accounts.sort() accounts.reverse() pos = s.c.height - 1 index = 0 s.hotkeys = [] for account in accounts: accountwindow = curses.newwin(1, s.c.width, pos, 0) s.af[account].setwindow(accountwindow, acctkeys[index]) s.hotkeys.append(account) index += 1 pos -= 1 curses.doupdate() finally: s.c.unlock() def setupwindow_drawbanner(s): if s.c.has_color: color = s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) | \ curses.A_BOLD else: color = curses.A_REVERSE s.bannerwindow.bkgd(' ', color) # Fill background with that color s.bannerwindow.addstr("%s %s" % (offlineimap.__productname__, offlineimap.__version__)) s.bannerwindow.addstr(0, s.bannerwindow.getmaxyx()[1] - len(offlineimap.__copyright__) - 1, offlineimap.__copyright__) s.bannerwindow.noutrefresh() def setupwindow_drawlog(s): if s.c.has_color: color = s.c.getpair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) else: color = curses.A_NORMAL s.logwindow.bkgd(' ', color) for line, color in s.text: s.logwindow.addstr("\n" + line, color) s.logwindow.noutrefresh() def getaccountframe(s, accountname = None): if accountname == None: accountname = s.getthreadaccount() s.aflock.acquire() try: if accountname in s.af: return s.af[accountname] # New one. s.af[accountname] = CursesAccountFrame(s.c, accountname, s) s.c.lock() try: s.c.reset() s.setupwindows() finally: s.c.unlock() finally: s.aflock.release() return s.af[accountname] def _display(s, msg, color = None): if "\n" in msg: for thisline in msg.split("\n"): s._msg(thisline) return # We must acquire both locks. Otherwise, deadlock can result. # This can happen if one thread calls _msg (locking curses, then # tf) and another tries to set the color (locking tf, then curses) # # By locking both up-front here, in this order, we prevent deadlock. s.tflock.acquire() s.c.lock() try: if not s.c.isactive(): # For dumping out exceptions and stuff. print msg return if color: s.gettf().setcolor(color) elif s.gettf().getcolor() == 'black': s.gettf().setcolor('gray') s._addline(msg, s.gettf().getcolorpair()) s.logwindow.refresh() finally: s.c.unlock() s.tflock.release() def _addline(s, msg, color): s.c.lock() try: s.logwindow.addstr("\n" + msg, color) s.text.append((msg, color)) while len(s.text) > s.logheight: s.text = s.text[1:] finally: s.c.unlock() def terminate(s, exitstatus = 0, errortitle = None, errormsg = None): s.c.stop() UIBase.terminate(s, exitstatus = exitstatus, errortitle = errortitle, errormsg = errormsg) def threadException(s, thread): s.c.stop() UIBase.threadException(s, thread) def mainException(s): s.c.stop() UIBase.mainException(s) def sleep(s, sleepsecs, account): s.gettf().setcolor('red') s._msg("Next sync in %d:%02d" % (sleepsecs / 60, sleepsecs % 60)) return BlinkenBase.sleep(s, sleepsecs, account) if __name__ == '__main__': x = Blinkenlights(None) x.init_banner() import time time.sleep(5) x.c.stop() fgs = {'black': curses.COLOR_BLACK, 'red': curses.COLOR_RED, 'green': curses.COLOR_GREEN, 'yellow': curses.COLOR_YELLOW, 'blue': curses.COLOR_BLUE, 'magenta': curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, 'cyan': curses.COLOR_CYAN, 'white': curses.COLOR_WHITE} x = CursesUtil() win1 = curses.newwin(x.height, x.width / 4 - 1, 0, 0) win1.addstr("Black/normal\n") for name, fg in fgs.items(): win1.addstr("%s\n" % name, x.getpair(fg, curses.COLOR_BLACK)) win2 = curses.newwin(x.height, x.width / 4 - 1, 0, win1.getmaxyx()[1]) win2.addstr("Blue/normal\n") for name, fg in fgs.items(): win2.addstr("%s\n" % name, x.getpair(fg, curses.COLOR_BLUE)) win3 = curses.newwin(x.height, x.width / 4 - 1, 0, win1.getmaxyx()[1] + win2.getmaxyx()[1]) win3.addstr("Black/bright\n") for name, fg in fgs.items(): win3.addstr("%s\n" % name, x.getpair(fg, curses.COLOR_BLACK) | \ curses.A_BOLD) win4 = curses.newwin(x.height, x.width / 4 - 1, 0, win1.getmaxyx()[1] * 3) win4.addstr("Blue/bright\n") for name, fg in fgs.items(): win4.addstr("%s\n" % name, x.getpair(fg, curses.COLOR_BLUE) | \ curses.A_BOLD) win1.refresh() win2.refresh() win3.refresh() win4.refresh() x.stdscr.refresh() import time time.sleep(5) x.stop() print x.has_color print x.height print x.width