#!/usr/bin/python2.2 # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from offlineimap import imaplib, imaputil, imapserver, repository, folder, mbnames, threadutil from offlineimap.threadutil import InstanceLimitedThread import re, os, os.path, offlineimap, sys from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from threading import * # imaplib.Debug = 5 ui = offlineimap.ui.TTY.TTYUI() ui.init_banner() config = ConfigParser() configfilename = os.path.expanduser("~/.offlineimaprc") if not os.path.exists(configfilename): sys.stderr.write(" *** Config file %s does not exist; aborting!\n" % configfilename) sys.exit(1) config.read(configfilename) metadatadir = os.path.expanduser(config.get("general", "metadata")) if not os.path.exists(metadatadir): os.mkdir(metadatadir, 0700) accounts = config.get("general", "accounts") accounts = accounts.replace(" ", "") accounts = accounts.split(",") server = None remoterepos = None localrepos = None passwords = {} threadutil.initInstanceLimit("ACCOUNTLIMIT", config.getint("general", "maxsyncaccounts")) # We have to gather passwords here -- don't want to have two threads # asking for passwords simultaneously. for account in accounts: if config.has_option(account, "remotepass"): passwords[account] = config.get(account, "remotepass") else: passwords[account] = ui.getpass(account, config) for instancename in ["FOLDER_" + account, "MSGCOPY_" + account]: threadutil.initInstanceLimit(instancename, config.getint(account, "maxconnections")) mailboxes = [] mailboxlock = Lock() def addmailbox(accountname, remotefolder): mailboxlock.acquire() mailboxes.append({'accountname' : accountname, 'foldername': remotefolder.getvisiblename()}) mailboxlock.release() def syncaccount(accountname, *args): # We don't need an account lock because syncitall() goes through # each account once, then waits for all to finish. try: ui.acct(accountname) accountmetadata = os.path.join(metadatadir, accountname) if not os.path.exists(accountmetadata): os.mkdir(accountmetadata, 0700) host = config.get(accountname, "remotehost") user = config.get(accountname, "remoteuser") port = None if config.has_option(accountname, "remoteport"): port = config.getint(accountname, "remoteport") ssl = config.getboolean(accountname, "ssl") # Connect to the remote server. server = imapserver.IMAPServer(user, passwords[accountname], host, port, ssl, config.getint(accountname, "maxconnections")) remoterepos = repository.IMAP.IMAPRepository(config, accountname, server) # Connect to the Maildirs. localrepos = repository.Maildir.MaildirRepository(os.path.expanduser(config.get(accountname, "localfolders"))) # Connect to the local cache. statusrepos = repository.LocalStatus.LocalStatusRepository(accountmetadata) ui.syncfolders(remoterepos, localrepos) remoterepos.syncfoldersto(localrepos) folderthreads = [] for remotefolder in remoterepos.getfolders(): thread = InstanceLimitedThread(\ instancename = 'FOLDER_' + accountname, target = syncfolder, name = "syncfolder-%s-%s" % \ (accountname, remotefolder.getvisiblename()), args = (accountname, remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, statusrepos)) thread.start() folderthreads.append(thread) threadutil.threadsreset(folderthreads) server.close() finally: pass def syncfolder(accountname, remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, statusrepos): mailboxes.append({'accountname': accountname, 'foldername': remotefolder.getvisiblename()}) # Load local folder. localfolder = localrepos.getfolder(remotefolder.getvisiblename()) if not localfolder.isuidvalidityok(remotefolder): ui.validityproblem(remotefolder) return ui.syncingfolder(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) ui.loadmessagelist(localrepos, localfolder) localfolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(localrepos, localfolder, len(localfolder.getmessagelist().keys())) # Load remote folder. ui.loadmessagelist(remoterepos, remotefolder) remotefolder.cachemessagelist() ui.messagelistloaded(remoterepos, remotefolder, len(remotefolder.getmessagelist().keys())) # Load status folder. statusfolder = statusrepos.getfolder(remotefolder.getvisiblename()) statusfolder.cachemessagelist() # if not statusfolder.isnewfolder(): # Delete local copies of remote messages. This way, # if a message's flag is modified locally but it has been # deleted remotely, we'll delete it locally. Otherwise, we # try to modify a deleted message's flags! This step # need only be taken if a statusfolder is present; otherwise, # there is no action taken *to* the remote repository. remotefolder.syncmessagesto_delete(localfolder, [localfolder, statusfolder]) ui.syncingmessages(localrepos, localfolder, remoterepos, remotefolder) localfolder.syncmessagesto(statusfolder, [remotefolder, statusfolder]) # Synchronize remote changes. ui.syncingmessages(remoterepos, remotefolder, localrepos, localfolder) remotefolder.syncmessagesto(localfolder) # Make sure the status folder is up-to-date. ui.syncingmessages(localrepos, localfolder, statusrepos, statusfolder) localfolder.syncmessagesto(statusfolder) statusfolder.save() def syncitall(): mailboxes = [] # Reset. threads = [] for accountname in accounts: thread = InstanceLimitedThread(instancename = 'ACCOUNTLIMIT', target = syncaccount, name = "syncaccount-%s" % accountname, args = (accountname,)) thread.start() threads.append(thread) # Wait for the threads to finish. threadutil.threadsreset(threads) mbnames.genmbnames(config, mailboxes) syncitall() if config.has_option('general', 'autorefresh'): refreshperiod = config.getint('general', 'autorefresh') * 60 while 1: if ui.sleep(refreshperiod) == 2: break else: syncitall()