The GNU GPL and the OpenSSL license are incompatible. Some distributions
take a hardline stance and do not consider OpenSSL to be a systems library
(which would permit the usage/distribution of OpenSSL) when distributing
apps such as OfflineImap from the same repository. In order to solve these
distributions dilemma, we add the OpenSSL exception to our GNU GPL v2+ license.
This allows for unambiguous use/distribution of our GNU GPL'ed application
with a python linking to openssl.
Consent of all contributors has been requested via email by With very few exceptions of minor contributions (which
might or might not by copyright-worthy) all past contributors have consented
to adding the OpenSSL exception. None of the replying authors has disagreed
with adding the exception.
The corresponding issues at question:
Debian bug #747033
We are still missing consent from:
1 Asheesh Laroia
2 Bart Kerkvliet
4 Daniel Burrows
5 David Favro
1 David Logie
1 Eric Dorland
1 Ethan Schoonover
49 Eygene Ryabinkin
1 Loui Chang
1 Luca Capello
1 Michael Witten
2 Mike Dawson
1 Peter Colberg
1 Scott Henson
1 Tom Lawton
1 W. Trevor King
2 X-Ryl669
1 buergi
2 dtk
5 mj
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
It is always good to see which version we're talking about, so I had
added explicit marker for -devel, -release, -rcX and other states of
the OfflineIMAP.
Signed-off-by: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
They are redundant in all pruned cases and sometimes even create some
problems, e.g., when one tries to jump through paragraphs in vi.
Signed-off-by: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
OfflineIMAP v6.5.2-rc1 (2012-01-09)
Commits v6.5.1.1 - v6.5.2-rc1:
note: Proper Changelog still in Changelog-draft.rst
d72bb88 Improve error message
3284e01 Revert "use .response() rather _get_untagged_response()"
81f194a mbnames should write out local and not nametransformed box names
7184ec2 Sanity check return value of UIDVALIDTY response
50de217 Allow to pass 'force' arg to selectro() to enforce a new select
ed71805 Changelog entry about "realdelete" option
0a275b9 Add scary warnings about "realdelete" option
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
Blinkenlights UI 6.5.0 regression fixes only.
* Sleep led to crash ('abort_signal' not existing)
* Make exit via 'q' key work again cleanly
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
OfflineIMAP v6.5.1 (2012-01-07) - "Quest for stability"
* Fixed Maildir regression "flagmatchre" not found. (regressed in 6.5.0)
* Have console output go by default to STDOUT and not STDERR (regression
in 6.5.0)
* Fixed MachineUI to urlencode() output lines again, rather than
outputting multi-line items. It's ugly as hell, but it had been that
way for years.
* Remove the old global locking system. We lock only the accounts that
we currently sync, so you can invoke OfflineImap multiple times now as
long as you sync different accounts. This system is compatible with
all releases >= 6.4.0, so don't run older releases simultanous to this
This is a CRITICAL bug fix release for everyone who is on the 6.4.x
series. Please upgrade to avoid potential data loss! The version has
been bumped to 6.5.0, please let everyone know to stay away from 6.5.x!
I am sorry for this.
See details in the Changelog and even more gory details in commit
message for commit 8fc72271895b7e46ad770417e2c5b8211f91eccd.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
Merge in the new logging mechanism, and provide an --info feature that
will help with debugging. There is still some unstableness, so there
will be another release soon, but this should be no worse than 6.4.2 at
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>