import click import os import sys from taskw import TaskWarrior from todoist.api import TodoistAPI from . import utils todoist = None taskwarrior = None """ CLI Commands """ def cli(): pass @cli.command() def synchronize(): """Sync the local task database and then exit. """ important('Syncing tasks with todoist... ', nl=False) todoist.sync() success('OK') @cli.command() @click.option('-i', '--interactive', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--sync/--no-sync', default=True) @click.pass_context def migrate(ctx, interactive, sync): if sync: ctx.invoke(synchronize) tasks = todoist.items.all() important(f'Starting migration of {len(tasks)}...\n') for idx, task in enumerate(tasks): data = {} tid = data['tid'] = task['id'] name = data['name'] = task['content'] data['project'] = todoist.projects.get_by_id(task['project_id'])['name'] data['priority'] = utils.parse_priority(task['priority']) data['tags'] = [ todoist.labels.get_by_id(l_id)['name'] for l_id in task['labels'] ] data['entry'] = utils.parse_date(task['date_added']) data['due'] = utils.parse_date(task['due_date_utc']) data['recur'] = utils.parse_recur(task['date_string']) important(f'Task {idx + 1} of {len(tasks)}: {name}\n') if check_task_exists(tid): info(f'Already exists (todoist_id={tid})\n') elif not interactive: add_task(**data) else: task_prompt(**data) def check_task_exists(tid): """ Given a Taskwarrior ID, check if the task exists """ taskwarrior_id, _ = taskwarrior.get_task(todoist_id=tid) return taskwarrior_id is not None def add_task(tid, name, project, tags, priority, entry, due, recur): """Add a taskwarrior task from todoist task Returns the taskwarrior task. """ info(f"Importing '{name}' ({project}) - ", nl=False) try: tw_task = taskwarrior.task_add( name, project=project, tags=tags, priority=priority, entry=entry, due=due, recur=recur, todoist_id=tid, ) except: error('FAILED') else: success('OK') return tw_task def task_prompt(**task_data): """Interactively add tasks y - add task n - skip task r - rename task p - change priority t - change tags q - quit immediately ? - print help """ callbacks = { 'y': lambda: task_data, 'n': lambda: task_data, # Rename 'r': lambda: { **task_data, 'name': name_prompt(task_data['name']), }, # Edit tags 't': lambda: { **task_data, 'tags': tags_prompt(task_data['tags']), }, # Edit priority 'p': lambda: { **task_data, 'priority': priority_prompt(task_data['priority']), }, # Quit 'q': lambda: exit(1), # Help message '?': lambda: task_prompt_help() or task_data, } response = None while response not in ('y', 'n'): prompt_text = ( stringify_task(**task_data) + important_msg(f"\nImport this task?") ) response = click.prompt( prompt_text, type=click.Choice(callbacks.keys()), show_choices=True, ) # Execute operation task_data = callbacks[response]() if response == 'n': error('Skipping task\n') return return add_task(**task_data) def task_prompt_help(): lines = [ x.strip() for x in task_prompt.__doc__.split('\n') ] error('\n'.join(lines)) def tags_prompt(tags): return click.prompt( important_msg('Set tags'), default=' '.join(tags), show_default=False, value_proc=lambda x: x.split(' ') ) def priority_prompt(priority): return click.prompt( important_msg('Set priority'), default='', type=click.Choice([None, 'L', 'M', 'H']), value_proc=lambda x: None if '' else x, show_default=False, ) def name_prompt(name): return click.prompt( important_msg('Set name'), default=name, value_proc=lambda x: x.strip() ) """ Output Utils """ def important(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(important_msg(msg), **kwargs) def important_msg(msg): return, fg='blue', bold=True) def info(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(msg, **kwargs) def success(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(, fg='green', bold=True)) def error(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(, fg='red', bold=True)) def stringify_task(**task_data): string = '' for key, value in task_data.items(): key =, underline=True) if isinstance(value, list): value = ' '.join(value) elif value is None: value = '' string += f'{key}: {value}\n' return string """ Entrypoint """ if __name__ == '__main__': is_help_cmd = '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv todoist_api_key = os.getenv('TODOIST_API_KEY') if todoist_api_key is None and not is_help_cmd: exit('TODOIST_API_KEY environment variable not specified. Exiting.') todoist = TodoistAPI(todoist_api_key) # Create the TaskWarrior client, overriding config to # create a `todoist_id` field which we'll use to # prevent duplicates taskwarrior = TaskWarrior(config_overrides={ 'uda.todoist_id.type': 'string', }) cli()