import click from taskw import TaskWarrior from todoist.api import TodoistAPI todoist = None taskwarrior = None """ CLI Commands """ @click.option('--todoist-api-key', envvar='TODOIST_API_KEY', required=True) def cli(todoist_api_key): # Just do some initialization global todoist global taskwarrior todoist = TodoistAPI(todoist_api_key) taskwarrior = TaskWarrior() @cli.command() @click.option('-i', '--interactive', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--no-sync', is_flag=True, default=False) def migrate(interactive, no_sync): if not no_sync: important('Syncing tasks with todoist... ', nl=False) todoist.sync() success('OK') tasks = todoist.items.all() important(f'Starting migration of {len(tasks)}...') for task in todoist.items.all(): tid = task['id'] name = task['content'] project = todoist.projects.get_by_id(task['project_id']) if interactive and not click.confirm(f"Import '{name}'?"): continue add_task(tid, name, project) def add_task(tid, name, project): """Add a taskwarrior task from todoist task Returns the taskwarrior task. """ project_name = project['name'] if project else None info(f"Importing '{name}' ({project_name}) - ", nl=False) try: tw_task = taskwarrior.task_add(name, project=project_name) except: error('FAILED') else: success('OK') return tw_task """ Utils """ def important(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(, fg='blue', bold=True), **kwargs) def info(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(msg, **kwargs) def success(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(, fg='green', bold=True)) def error(msg, **kwargs): click.echo(, fg='red', bold=True)) """ Entrypoint """ if __name__ == '__main__': cli()