Joscha a9af56a5e9 Improve specifying crawlers via CLI
Instead of removing the sections of unselected crawlers from the config file,
crawler selection now happens in the Pferd after loading the crawlers and is
more sophisticated. It also has better error messages.
2021-05-23 18:18:50 +02:00

116 lines
4.0 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from rich.markup import escape
from .authenticator import Authenticator
from .authenticators import AUTHENTICATORS
from .config import Config, ConfigOptionError
from .crawler import Crawler, CrawlError
from .crawlers import CRAWLERS
from .logging import log
class PferdLoadError(Exception):
class Pferd:
def __init__(self, config: Config, crawlers_to_run: Optional[List[str]]):
May throw PferdLoadError.
if crawlers_to_run is not None and len(crawlers_to_run) != len(set(crawlers_to_run)):
raise PferdLoadError("Some crawlers were selected multiple times")
self._config = config
self._crawlers_to_run = crawlers_to_run
self._authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator] = {}
self._crawlers: Dict[str, Crawler] = {}
def _load_authenticators(self) -> None:
for name, section in self._config.authenticator_sections():
log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Loading[/] {escape(name)}")
auth_type = section.get("type")
authenticator_constructor = AUTHENTICATORS.get(auth_type)
if authenticator_constructor is None:
raise ConfigOptionError(name, "type", f"Unknown authenticator type: {auth_type!r}")
authenticator = authenticator_constructor(name, section, self._config)
self._authenticators[name] = authenticator
def _load_crawlers(self) -> List[str]:
names = []
for name, section in self._config.crawler_sections():
log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Loading[/] {escape(name)}")
crawl_type = section.get("type")
crawler_constructor = CRAWLERS.get(crawl_type)
if crawler_constructor is None:
raise ConfigOptionError(name, "type", f"Unknown crawler type: {crawl_type!r}")
crawler = crawler_constructor(name, section, self._config, self._authenticators)
self._crawlers[name] = crawler
return names
def _find_crawlers_to_run(self, loaded_crawlers: List[str]) -> List[str]:
log.explain_topic("Deciding which crawlers to run")
if self._crawlers_to_run is None:
log.explain("No crawlers specified on CLI")
log.explain("Running all loaded crawlers")
return loaded_crawlers
log.explain("Crawlers specified on CLI")
names: List[str] = [] # With 'crawl:' prefix
unknown_names = [] # Without 'crawl:' prefix
for name in self._crawlers_to_run:
section_name = f"crawl:{name}"
if section_name in self._crawlers:
log.explain(f"Found crawler section named {section_name!r}")
log.explain(f"There's no crawler section named {section_name!r}")
if unknown_names:
if len(unknown_names) == 1:
[name] = unknown_names
raise PferdLoadError(f"There is no crawler named {name!r}")
names_str = ", ".join(repr(name) for name in unknown_names)
raise PferdLoadError(f"There are no crawlers named {names_str}")
return names
async def run(self) -> None:
May throw PferdLoadError or ConfigOptionError.
# These two functions must run inside the same event loop as the
# crawlers, so that any new objects (like Conditions or Futures) can
# obtain the correct event loop.
loaded_crawlers = self._load_crawlers()
for name in self._find_crawlers_to_run(loaded_crawlers):
crawler = self._crawlers[name]
log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Running[/] {escape(name)}")
except CrawlError as e:
except Exception: