Joscha fc31100a0f Always use '/' as path separator for regex rules
Previously, regex-matching paths on windows would, in some cases, require four
backslashes ('\\\\') to escape a single path separator. That's just too much.

With this commit, regex transforms now use '/' instead of '\' as path separator,
meaning rules can more easily be shared between platforms (although they are not
guaranteed to be 100% compatible since on Windows, '\' is still recognized as a
path separator).

To make rules more intuitive to write, local relative paths are now also printed
with '/' as path separator on Windows. Since Windows also accepts '/' as path
separator, this change doesn't really affect other rules that parse their sides
as paths.
2021-06-04 18:12:45 +02:00

379 lines
10 KiB

# I'm sorry that this code has become a bit dense and unreadable. While
# reading, it is important to remember what True and False mean. I'd love to
# have some proper sum-types for the inputs and outputs, they'd make this code
# a lot easier to understand.
import ast
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union
from .logging import log
from .utils import fmt_path, str_path
class Rule(ABC):
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[PurePath, bool]:
Try to apply this rule to the path. Returns another path if the rule
was successfully applied, True if the rule matched but resulted in an
exclamation mark, and False if the rule didn't match at all.
# These rules all use a Union[T, bool] for their right side. They are passed a
# T if the arrow's right side was a normal string, True if it was an
# exclamation mark and False if it was missing entirely.
class NormalRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, left: PurePath, right: Union[PurePath, bool]):
self._left = left
self._right = right
def _match_prefix(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[PurePath]:
left_parts = list(reversed(
path_parts = list(reversed(
if len(left_parts) > len(path_parts):
return None
while left_parts and path_parts:
left_part = left_parts.pop()
path_part = path_parts.pop()
if left_part != path_part:
return None
if left_parts:
return None
return PurePath(*path_parts)
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[PurePath, bool]:
if rest := self._match_prefix(path):
if isinstance(self._right, bool):
return self._right or path
return self._right / rest
return False
class ExactRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, left: PurePath, right: Union[PurePath, bool]):
self._left = left
self._right = right
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[PurePath, bool]:
if path == self._left:
if isinstance(self._right, bool):
return self._right or path
return self._right
return False
class NameRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, subrule: Rule):
self._subrule = subrule
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[PurePath, bool]:
matched = False
result = PurePath()
for part in
part_result = self._subrule.transform(PurePath(part))
if isinstance(part_result, PurePath):
matched = True
result /= part_result
elif part_result:
# If any subrule call ignores its path segment, the entire path
# should be ignored
return True
# The subrule doesn't modify this segment, but maybe other
# segments
result /= part
if matched:
return result
# The subrule has modified no segments, so this name version of it
# doesn't match
return False
class ReRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, left: str, right: Union[str, bool]):
self._left = left
self._right = right
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[PurePath, bool]:
if match := re.fullmatch(self._left, str_path(path)):
if isinstance(self._right, bool):
return self._right or path
vars: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = {}
# For some reason, mypy thinks that "groups" has type List[str].
# But since elements of "match.groups()" can be None, mypy is
# wrong.
groups: Sequence[Optional[str]] = [match[0]] + list(match.groups())
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
if group is None:
vars[f"g{i}"] = group
vars[f"i{i}"] = int(group)
except ValueError:
vars[f"f{i}"] = float(group)
except ValueError:
result = eval(f"f{self._right!r}", vars)
return PurePath(result)
return False
class RuleParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, line: "Line", reason: str):
super().__init__(f"Error in rule on line {line.line_nr}, column {line.index}: {reason}")
self.line = line
self.reason = reason
def pretty_print(self) -> None:
log.error(f"Error parsing rule on line {self.line.line_nr}:")
spaces = " " * self.line.index
log.error_contd(f"{spaces}^--- {self.reason}")
class Line:
def __init__(self, line: str, line_nr: int):
self._line = line
self._line_nr = line_nr
self._index = 0
def get(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self._index < len(self._line):
return self._line[self._index]
return None
def line(self) -> str:
return self._line
def line_nr(self) -> int:
return self._line_nr
def index(self) -> int:
return self._index
def index(self, index: int) -> None:
self._index = index
def advance(self) -> None:
self._index += 1
def expect(self, string: str) -> None:
for char in string:
if self.get() == char:
raise RuleParseError(self, f"Expected {char!r}")
QUOTATION_MARKS = {'"', "'"}
def parse_string_literal(line: Line) -> str:
escaped = False
# Points to first character of string literal
start_index = line.index
quotation_mark = line.get()
if quotation_mark not in QUOTATION_MARKS:
# This should never happen as long as this function is only called from
# parse_string.
raise RuleParseError(line, "Invalid quotation mark")
while c := line.get():
if escaped:
escaped = False
elif c == quotation_mark:
stop_index = line.index
literal = line.line[start_index:stop_index]
return ast.literal_eval(literal)
elif c == "\\":
escaped = True
raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected end of string literal")
def parse_until_space_or_eol(line: Line) -> str:
result = []
while c := line.get():
if c == " ":
return "".join(result)
def parse_string(line: Line) -> Union[str, bool]:
if line.get() in QUOTATION_MARKS:
return parse_string_literal(line)
string = parse_until_space_or_eol(line)
if string == "!":
return True
return string
def parse_arrow(line: Line) -> str:
name = []
while True:
c = line.get()
if not c:
raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected rest of arrow")
elif c == "-":
c = line.get()
if not c:
raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected rest of arrow")
elif c == ">":
break # End of arrow
return "".join(name)
def parse_whitespace(line: Line) -> None:
line.expect(" ")
while line.get() == " ":
def parse_eol(line: Line) -> None:
if line.get() is not None:
raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected end of line")
def parse_rule(line: Line) -> Rule:
# Parse left side
leftindex = line.index
left = parse_string(line)
if isinstance(left, bool):
line.index = leftindex
raise RuleParseError(line, "Left side can't be '!'")
leftpath = PurePath(left)
# Parse arrow
arrowindex = line.index
arrowname = parse_arrow(line)
# Parse right side
if line.get():
right = parse_string(line)
right = False
rightpath: Union[PurePath, bool]
if isinstance(right, bool):
rightpath = right
rightpath = PurePath(right)
# Dispatch
if arrowname == "":
return NormalRule(leftpath, rightpath)
elif arrowname == "name":
if len( > 1:
line.index = leftindex
raise RuleParseError(line, "SOURCE must be a single name, not multiple segments")
return NameRule(ExactRule(leftpath, rightpath))
elif arrowname == "exact":
return ExactRule(leftpath, rightpath)
elif arrowname == "re":
return ReRule(left, right)
elif arrowname == "name-re":
return NameRule(ReRule(left, right))
line.index = arrowindex + 1 # For nicer error message
raise RuleParseError(line, f"Invalid arrow name {arrowname!r}")
class Transformer:
def __init__(self, rules: str):
May throw a RuleParseException.
self._rules = []
for i, line in enumerate(rules.split("\n")):
line = line.strip()
if line:
rule = parse_rule(Line(line, i))
self._rules.append((line, rule))
def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[PurePath]:
for i, (line, rule) in enumerate(self._rules):
log.explain(f"Testing rule {i+1}: {line}")
result = rule.transform(path)
except Exception as e:
log.warn(f"Error while testing rule {i+1}: {line}")
if isinstance(result, PurePath):
log.explain(f"Match found, transformed path to {fmt_path(result)}")
return result
elif result: # Exclamation mark
log.explain("Match found, path ignored")
return None
log.explain("No rule matched, path is unchanged")
return path