""" Utility functions and a scraper/downloader for the IPD pages. """ import datetime import logging import math import os from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, List, Optional from urllib.parse import urljoin import bs4 import requests from PFERD.errors import FatalException from PFERD.utils import soupify from .logging import PrettyLogger from .organizer import Organizer from .tmp_dir import TmpDir from .transform import Transformable from .utils import stream_to_path LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRETTY = PrettyLogger(LOGGER) @dataclass class IpdDownloadInfo(Transformable): """ Information about an ipd entry. """ url: str modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] IpdDownloadStrategy = Callable[[Organizer, IpdDownloadInfo], bool] def ipd_download_new_or_modified(organizer: Organizer, info: IpdDownloadInfo) -> bool: """ Accepts new files or files with a more recent modification date. """ resolved_file = organizer.resolve(info.path) if not resolved_file.exists(): return True if not info.modification_date: PRETTY.ignored_file(info.path, "could not find modification time, file exists") return False resolved_mod_time_seconds = resolved_file.stat().st_mtime # Download if the info is newer if info.modification_date.timestamp() > resolved_mod_time_seconds: return True PRETTY.ignored_file(info.path, "local file has newer or equal modification time") return False class IpdCrawler: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A crawler for IPD pages. """ def __init__(self, base_url: str): self._base_url = base_url def _abs_url_from_link(self, link_tag: bs4.Tag) -> str: """ Create an absolute url from an tag. """ return urljoin(self._base_url, link_tag.get("href")) def crawl(self) -> List[IpdDownloadInfo]: """ Crawls the playlist given in the constructor. """ page = soupify(requests.get(self._base_url)) items: List[IpdDownloadInfo] = [] for link in page.findAll(name="a", attrs={"href": lambda x: x and x.endswith("pdf")}): href: str = link.attrs.get("href") name = href.split("/")[-1] modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] try: enclosing_row: bs4.Tag = link.findParent(name="tr") date_text = enclosing_row.find(name="td").text modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_text, "%d.%m.%Y") except ValueError: modification_date = None items.append(IpdDownloadInfo( Path(name), url=self._abs_url_from_link(link), modification_date=modification_date )) return items class IpdDownloader: """ A downloader for ipd files. """ def __init__(self, tmp_dir: TmpDir, organizer: Organizer, strategy: IpdDownloadStrategy): self._tmp_dir = tmp_dir self._organizer = organizer self._strategy = strategy self._session = requests.session() def download_all(self, infos: List[IpdDownloadInfo]) -> None: """ Download multiple files one after the other. """ for info in infos: self.download(info) def download(self, info: IpdDownloadInfo) -> None: """ Download a single file. """ if not self._strategy(self._organizer, info): self._organizer.mark(info.path) return with self._session.get(info.url, stream=True) as response: if response.status_code == 200: tmp_file = self._tmp_dir.new_path() stream_to_path(response, tmp_file, info.path.name) dst_path = self._organizer.accept_file(tmp_file, info.path) if dst_path and info.modification_date: os.utime( dst_path, times=( math.ceil(info.modification_date.timestamp()), math.ceil(info.modification_date.timestamp()) ) ) elif response.status_code == 403: raise FatalException("Received 403. Are you not using the KIT VPN?") else: PRETTY.warning(f"Could not download file, got response {response.status_code}")