import argparse import asyncio import configparser from pathlib import Path from .cli import PARSER, load_default_section from .config import Config, ConfigDumpError, ConfigLoadError, ConfigOptionError from .logging import log from .pferd import Pferd, PferdLoadError from .transformer import RuleParseError def load_config_parser(args: argparse.Namespace) -> configparser.ConfigParser: log.explain_topic("Loading config") parser = configparser.ConfigParser() if args.command is None: log.explain("No CLI command specified, loading config from file") Config.load_parser(parser, path=args.config) else: log.explain(f"CLI command specified, creating config for {args.command!r}") if args.command: args.command(args, parser) load_default_section(args, parser) return parser def load_config(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Config: try: return Config(load_config_parser(args)) except ConfigLoadError as e: log.error(str(e)) log.error_contd(e.reason) exit(1) def configure_logging_from_args(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: if args.explain is not None: log.output_explain = args.explain if args.status is not None: log.output_status = args.status if is not None: log.output_report = # We want to prevent any unnecessary output if we're printing the config to # stdout, otherwise it would not be a valid config file. if args.dump_config == "-": log.output_explain = False log.output_status = False log.output_report = False def configure_logging_from_config(args: argparse.Namespace, config: Config) -> None: # In configure_logging_from_args(), all normal logging is already disabled # whenever we dump the config. We don't want to override that decision with # values from the config file. if args.dump_config == "-": return try: if args.explain is None: log.output_explain = config.default_section.explain() if args.status is None: log.output_status = config.default_section.status() if is None: log.output_report = except ConfigOptionError as e: log.error(str(e)) exit(1) def dump_config(args: argparse.Namespace, config: Config) -> None: log.explain_topic("Dumping config") try: if args.dump_config is True: config.dump() elif args.dump_config == "-": config.dump_to_stdout() else: config.dump(Path(args.dump_config)) except ConfigDumpError as e: log.error(str(e)) log.error_contd(e.reason) exit(1) def main() -> None: args = PARSER.parse_args() # Configuring logging happens in two stages because CLI args have # precedence over config file options and loading the config already # produces some kinds of log messages (usually only explain()-s). configure_logging_from_args(args) config = load_config(args) # Now, after loading the config file, we can apply its logging settings in # all places that were not already covered by CLI args. configure_logging_from_config(args, config) if args.dump_config is not None: dump_config(args, config) exit() try: pferd = Pferd(config, args.crawler) except PferdLoadError as e: log.unlock() log.error(str(e)) exit(1) try: except ConfigOptionError as e: log.unlock() log.error(str(e)) exit(1) except RuleParseError as e: log.unlock() e.pretty_print() exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.unlock() log.explain_topic("Interrupted, exiting immediately") log.explain("Open files and connections are left for the OS to clean up") log.explain("Temporary files are not cleaned up") pferd.print_report() # TODO Clean up tmp files # And when those files *do* actually get cleaned up properly, # reconsider if this should really exit with 1 exit(1) except Exception: log.unlock() log.unexpected_exception() pferd.print_report() exit(1)