import ast import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from pathlib import PurePath from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union from .logging import log from .utils import fmt_path, str_path class ArrowHead(Enum): NORMAL = 0 SEQUENCE = 1 class Ignore: pass class Empty: pass RightSide = Union[str, Ignore, Empty] @dataclass class Transformed: path: PurePath class Ignored: pass TransformResult = Optional[Union[Transformed, Ignored]] @dataclass class Rule: left: str left_index: int name: str head: ArrowHead right: RightSide right_index: int def right_result(self, path: PurePath) -> Union[str, Transformed, Ignored]: if isinstance(self.right, str): return self.right elif isinstance(self.right, Ignore): return Ignored() elif isinstance(self.right, Empty): return Transformed(path) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Right side has invalid type {type(self.right)}") class Transformation(ABC): def __init__(self, rule: Rule): self.rule = rule @abstractmethod def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> TransformResult: pass class ExactTf(Transformation): def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> TransformResult: if path != PurePath(self.rule.left): return None right = self.rule.right_result(path) if not isinstance(right, str): return right return Transformed(PurePath(right)) class ExactReTf(Transformation): def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> TransformResult: match = re.fullmatch(self.rule.left, str_path(path)) if not match: return None right = self.rule.right_result(path) if not isinstance(right, str): return right # For some reason, mypy thinks that "groups" has type List[str]. But # since elements of "match.groups()" can be None, mypy is wrong. groups: Sequence[Optional[str]] = [match[0]] + list(match.groups()) locals_dir: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = {} for i, group in enumerate(groups): if group is None: continue locals_dir[f"g{i}"] = group try: locals_dir[f"i{i}"] = int(group) except ValueError: pass try: locals_dir[f"f{i}"] = float(group) except ValueError: pass result = eval(f"f{right!r}", {}, locals_dir) return Transformed(PurePath(result)) class RenamingParentsTf(Transformation): def __init__(self, sub_tf: Transformation): super().__init__(sub_tf.rule) self.sub_tf = sub_tf def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> TransformResult: for i in range(len(, -1, -1): parent = PurePath(*[:i]) child = PurePath(*[i:]) transformed = self.sub_tf.transform(parent) if not transformed: continue elif isinstance(transformed, Transformed): return Transformed(transformed.path / child) elif isinstance(transformed, Ignored): return transformed else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid transform result of type {type(transformed)}: {transformed}") return None class RenamingPartsTf(Transformation): def __init__(self, sub_tf: Transformation): super().__init__(sub_tf.rule) self.sub_tf = sub_tf def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> TransformResult: result = PurePath() any_part_matched = False for part in transformed = self.sub_tf.transform(PurePath(part)) if not transformed: result /= part elif isinstance(transformed, Transformed): result /= transformed.path any_part_matched = True elif isinstance(transformed, Ignored): return transformed else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid transform result of type {type(transformed)}: {transformed}") if any_part_matched: return Transformed(result) else: return None class RuleParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, line: "Line", reason: str): super().__init__(f"Error in rule on line {line.line_nr}, column {line.index}: {reason}") self.line = line self.reason = reason def pretty_print(self) -> None: log.error(f"Error parsing rule on line {self.line.line_nr}:") log.error_contd(self.line.line) spaces = " " * self.line.index log.error_contd(f"{spaces}^--- {self.reason}") T = TypeVar("T") class Line: def __init__(self, line: str, line_nr: int): self._line = line self._line_nr = line_nr self._index = 0 @property def line(self) -> str: return self._line @property def line_nr(self) -> int: return self._line_nr @property def index(self) -> int: return self._index @index.setter def index(self, index: int) -> None: self._index = index @property def rest(self) -> str: return self.line[self.index:] def peek(self, amount: int = 1) -> str: return[:amount] def take(self, amount: int = 1) -> str: string = self.peek(amount) self.index += len(string) return string def expect(self, string: str) -> str: if self.peek(len(string)) == string: return self.take(len(string)) else: raise RuleParseError(self, f"Expected {string!r}") def expect_with(self, string: str, value: T) -> T: self.expect(string) return value def one_of(self, parsers: List[Callable[[], T]], description: str) -> T: for parser in parsers: index = self.index try: return parser() except RuleParseError: self.index = index raise RuleParseError(self, description) # RULE = LEFT SPACE '-' NAME '-' HEAD (SPACE RIGHT)? # SPACE = ' '+ # NAME = '' | 'exact' | 'name' | 're' | 'exact-re' | 'name-re' # HEAD = '>' | '>>' # LEFT = STR | QUOTED_STR # RIGHT = STR | QUOTED_STR | '!' def parse_zero_or_more_spaces(line: Line) -> None: while line.peek() == " ": line.take() def parse_one_or_more_spaces(line: Line) -> None: line.expect(" ") parse_zero_or_more_spaces(line) def parse_str(line: Line) -> str: result = [] while c := line.peek(): if c == " ": break else: line.take() result.append(c) if result: return "".join(result) else: raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected non-space character") QUOTATION_MARKS = {'"', "'"} def parse_quoted_str(line: Line) -> str: escaped = False # Points to first character of string literal start_index = line.index quotation_mark = line.peek() if quotation_mark not in QUOTATION_MARKS: raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected quotation mark") line.take() while c := line.peek(): if escaped: escaped = False line.take() elif c == quotation_mark: line.take() stop_index = line.index literal = line.line[start_index:stop_index] try: return ast.literal_eval(literal) except SyntaxError as e: line.index = start_index raise RuleParseError(line, str(e)) from e elif c == "\\": escaped = True line.take() else: line.take() raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected end of string literal") def parse_left(line: Line) -> str: if line.peek() in QUOTATION_MARKS: return parse_quoted_str(line) else: return parse_str(line) def parse_right(line: Line) -> Union[str, Ignore]: c = line.peek() if c in QUOTATION_MARKS: return parse_quoted_str(line) else: string = parse_str(line) if string == "!": return Ignore() return string def parse_arrow_name(line: Line) -> str: return line.one_of([ lambda: line.expect("exact-re"), lambda: line.expect("exact"), lambda: line.expect("name-re"), lambda: line.expect("name"), lambda: line.expect("re"), lambda: line.expect(""), ], "Expected arrow name") def parse_arrow_head(line: Line) -> ArrowHead: return line.one_of([ lambda: line.expect_with(">>", ArrowHead.SEQUENCE), lambda: line.expect_with(">", ArrowHead.NORMAL), ], "Expected arrow head") def parse_eol(line: Line) -> None: if line.peek(): raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected end of line") def parse_rule(line: Line) -> Rule: parse_zero_or_more_spaces(line) left_index = line.index left = parse_left(line) parse_one_or_more_spaces(line) line.expect("-") name = parse_arrow_name(line) line.expect("-") head = parse_arrow_head(line) right_index = line.index right: RightSide try: parse_zero_or_more_spaces(line) parse_eol(line) right = Empty() except RuleParseError: line.index = right_index parse_one_or_more_spaces(line) right = parse_right(line) parse_eol(line) return Rule(left, left_index, name, head, right, right_index) def parse_transformation(line: Line) -> Transformation: rule = parse_rule(line) if == "": return RenamingParentsTf(ExactTf(rule)) elif == "exact": return ExactTf(rule) elif == "name": if len(PurePath(rule.left).parts) > 1: line.index = rule.left_index raise RuleParseError(line, "Expected name, not multiple segments") return RenamingPartsTf(ExactTf(rule)) elif == "re": return RenamingParentsTf(ExactReTf(rule)) elif == "exact-re": return ExactReTf(rule) elif == "name-re": return RenamingPartsTf(ExactReTf(rule)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid arrow name {!r}") class Transformer: def __init__(self, rules: str): """ May throw a RuleParseException. """ self._tfs = [] for i, line in enumerate(rules.split("\n")): line = line.strip() if line: tf = parse_transformation(Line(line, i)) self._tfs.append((line, tf)) def transform(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[PurePath]: for i, (line, tf) in enumerate(self._tfs): log.explain(f"Testing rule {i+1}: {line}") try: result = tf.transform(path) except Exception as e: log.warn(f"Error while testing rule {i+1}: {line}") log.warn_contd(str(e)) continue if not result: continue if isinstance(result, Ignored): log.explain("Match found, path ignored") return None if tf.rule.head == ArrowHead.NORMAL: log.explain(f"Match found, transformed path to {fmt_path(result.path)}") path = result.path break elif tf.rule.head == ArrowHead.SEQUENCE: log.explain(f"Match found, updated path to {fmt_path(result.path)}") path = result.path else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid transform result of type {type(result)}: {result}") log.explain(f"Final result: {fmt_path(path)}") return path