from configparser import SectionProxy from pathlib import PurePath from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import aiohttp from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from PFERD.utils import soupify from ..authenticators import Authenticator from ..conductor import TerminalConductor from ..config import Config from ..crawler import (Crawler, CrawlerSection, HttpCrawler, anoncritical, arepeat) class IliasCrawlerSection(CrawlerSection): def __init__(self, section: SectionProxy): super().__init__(section) if not self.course_id() and not self.element_url(): self.missing_value("course_id or element_url") def course_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.s.get("course_id") def element_url(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.s.get("element_url") def base_url(self) -> str: return self.s.get("ilias_url", "") def tfa_auth(self, authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator]) -> Optional[Authenticator]: value = self.s.get("tfa_auth") if not value: return None auth = authenticators.get(f"auth:{value}") if auth is None: self.invalid_value("auth", value, "No such auth section exists") return auth class IliasCrawler(HttpCrawler): def __init__( self, name: str, section: IliasCrawlerSection, config: Config, conductor: TerminalConductor, authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator] ): super().__init__(name, section, config, conductor) self._shibboleth_login = KitShibbolethLogin( section.auth(authenticators), section.tfa_auth(authenticators) ) self._base_url = section.base_url() self._course_id = section.course_id() self._element_url = section.element_url() async def crawl(self) -> None: async with self.crawl_bar(PurePath("/")) as bar: soup = await self._get_page(self._base_url) self.print("[green]Gotcha![/]") async def _get_page(self, url: str, retries_left: int = 3) -> BeautifulSoup: if retries_left < 0: # TODO: Proper exception raise RuntimeError("Get page failed too often") async with self.session.get(url) as request: soup = soupify(await if self._is_logged_in(soup): return soup await self._shibboleth_login.login(self.session) return await self._get_page(url, retries_left - 1) @staticmethod def _is_logged_in(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: # Normal ILIAS pages userlog = soup.find("li", {"id": "userlog"}) if userlog is not None: return True # Video listing embeds do not have complete ILIAS html. Try to match them by # their video listing table video_table = soup.find( recursive=True, name="table", attrs={"id": lambda x: x is not None and x.startswith("tbl_xoct")} ) if video_table is not None: return True # The individual video player wrapper page has nothing of the above. # Match it by its playerContainer. if soup.select_one("#playerContainer") is not None: return True return False class KitShibbolethLogin: """ Login via KIT's shibboleth system. """ def __init__(self, authenticator: Authenticator, tfa_authenticator: Optional[Authenticator]) -> None: self._auth = authenticator self._tfa_auth = tfa_authenticator async def login(self, sess: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None: """ Performs the ILIAS Shibboleth authentication dance and saves the login cookies it receieves. This function should only be called whenever it is detected that you're not logged in. The cookies obtained should be good for a few minutes, maybe even an hour or two. """ # Equivalent: Click on "Mit KIT-Account anmelden" button in # url = "" data = { "sendLogin": "1", "idp_selection": "", "target": "/shib_login.php", "home_organization_selection": "Mit KIT-Account anmelden", } soup: BeautifulSoup = await _post(sess, url, data) # Attempt to login using credentials, if necessary while not self._login_successful(soup): # Searching the form here so that this fails before asking for # credentials rather than after asking. form = soup.find("form", {"class": "full content", "method": "post"}) action = form["action"] csrf_token = form.find("input", {"name": "csrf_token"})["value"] # Equivalent: Enter credentials in # url = "" + action username, password = await self._auth.credentials() data = { "_eventId_proceed": "", "j_username": username, "j_password": password, "csrf_token": csrf_token } soup = await _post(sess, url, data) if self._tfa_required(soup): soup = await self._authenticate_tfa(sess, soup) if not self._login_successful(soup): self._auth.invalid_credentials() # Equivalent: Being redirected via JS automatically # (or clicking "Continue" if you have JS disabled) relay_state = soup.find("input", {"name": "RelayState"}) saml_response = soup.find("input", {"name": "SAMLResponse"}) url = "" data = { # using the info obtained in the while loop above "RelayState": relay_state["value"], "SAMLResponse": saml_response["value"], } await, data=data) async def _authenticate_tfa( self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, soup: BeautifulSoup ) -> BeautifulSoup: if not self._tfa_auth: raise RuntimeError("No 'tfa_auth' present but you use two-factor authentication!") _, tfa_token = await self._tfa_auth.credentials() # Searching the form here so that this fails before asking for # credentials rather than after asking. form = soup.find("form", {"method": "post"}) action = form["action"] # Equivalent: Enter token in # url = "" + action data = { "_eventId_proceed": "", "j_tokenNumber": tfa_token } return _post(session, url, data) @staticmethod def _login_successful(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: relay_state = soup.find("input", {"name": "RelayState"}) saml_response = soup.find("input", {"name": "SAMLResponse"}) return relay_state is not None and saml_response is not None @staticmethod def _tfa_required(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: return soup.find(id="j_tokenNumber") is not None async def _post(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str, data: Any) -> BeautifulSoup: async with, data=data) as response: return soupify(await