import asyncio import time from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import AsyncIterator, Optional @dataclass class Slot: active: bool = False last_left: Optional[float] = None class Limiter: def __init__( self, task_limit: int, download_limit: int, task_delay: float ): if task_limit <= 0: raise ValueError("task limit must be at least 1") if download_limit <= 0: raise ValueError("download limit must be at least 1") if download_limit > task_limit: raise ValueError("download limit can't be greater than task limit") if task_delay < 0: raise ValueError("Task delay must not be negative") self._slots = [Slot() for _ in range(task_limit)] self._downloads = download_limit self._delay = task_delay self._condition = asyncio.Condition() def _acquire_slot(self) -> Optional[Slot]: for slot in self._slots: if not = True return slot return None async def _wait_for_slot_delay(self, slot: Slot) -> None: if slot.last_left is not None: delay = slot.last_left + self._delay - time.time() if delay > 0: await asyncio.sleep(delay) def _release_slot(self, slot: Slot) -> None: slot.last_left = time.time() = False @asynccontextmanager async def limit_crawl(self) -> AsyncIterator[None]: slot: Slot async with self._condition: while True: if found_slot := self._acquire_slot(): slot = found_slot break await self._condition.wait() await self._wait_for_slot_delay(slot) try: yield finally: async with self._condition: self._release_slot(slot) self._condition.notify_all() @asynccontextmanager async def limit_download(self) -> AsyncIterator[None]: slot: Slot async with self._condition: while True: if self._downloads <= 0: await self._condition.wait() continue if found_slot := self._acquire_slot(): slot = found_slot self._downloads -= 1 break await self._condition.wait() await self._wait_for_slot_delay(slot) try: yield finally: async with self._condition: self._release_slot(slot) self._downloads += 1 self._condition.notify_all()