import asyncio from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path, PurePath from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar from rich.markup import escape from .authenticator import Authenticator from .config import Config, Section from .limiter import Limiter from .logging import ProgressBar, log from .output_dir import FileSink, FileSinkToken, OnConflict, OutputDirectory, OutputDirError, Redownload from .report import MarkConflictError, MarkDuplicateError from .transformer import Transformer from .utils import ReusableAsyncContextManager, fmt_path class CrawlWarning(Exception): pass class CrawlError(Exception): pass Wrapped = TypeVar("Wrapped", bound=Callable[..., None]) def noncritical(f: Wrapped) -> Wrapped: """ Catches and logs a few noncritical exceptions occurring during the function call, mainly CrawlWarning. If any exception occurs during the function call, the crawler's error_free variable is set to False. This includes noncritical exceptions. Warning: Must only be applied to member functions of the Crawler class! """ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not (args and isinstance(args[0], Crawler)): raise RuntimeError("@noncritical must only applied to Crawler methods") crawler = args[0] try: f(*args, **kwargs) except (CrawlWarning, OutputDirError, MarkDuplicateError, MarkConflictError) as e: log.warn(str(e)) crawler.error_free = False except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' crawler.error_free = False raise return wrapper # type: ignore AWrapped = TypeVar("AWrapped", bound=Callable[..., Awaitable[None]]) def anoncritical(f: AWrapped) -> AWrapped: """ An async version of @noncritical. Catches and logs a few noncritical exceptions occurring during the function call, mainly CrawlWarning. If any exception occurs during the function call, the crawler's error_free variable is set to False. This includes noncritical exceptions. Warning: Must only be applied to member functions of the Crawler class! """ async def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not (args and isinstance(args[0], Crawler)): raise RuntimeError("@anoncritical must only applied to Crawler methods") crawler = args[0] try: await f(*args, **kwargs) except (CrawlWarning, OutputDirError, MarkDuplicateError, MarkConflictError) as e: log.warn(str(e)) crawler.error_free = False except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' crawler.error_free = False raise return wrapper # type: ignore class CrawlToken(ReusableAsyncContextManager[ProgressBar]): def __init__(self, limiter: Limiter, path: PurePath): super().__init__() self._limiter = limiter self._path = path async def _on_aenter(self) -> ProgressBar: bar_desc = f"[bold bright_cyan]Crawling[/] {escape(fmt_path(self._path))}" after_desc = f"[bold bright_cyan]Crawled[/] {escape(fmt_path(self._path))}" self._stack.callback(lambda: log.action(after_desc)) await self._stack.enter_async_context(self._limiter.limit_crawl()) bar = self._stack.enter_context(log.crawl_bar(bar_desc)) return bar class DownloadToken(ReusableAsyncContextManager[Tuple[ProgressBar, FileSink]]): def __init__(self, limiter: Limiter, fs_token: FileSinkToken, path: PurePath): super().__init__() self._limiter = limiter self._fs_token = fs_token self._path = path async def _on_aenter(self) -> Tuple[ProgressBar, FileSink]: bar_desc = f"[bold bright_cyan]Downloading[/] {escape(fmt_path(self._path))}" # The "Downloaded ..." message is printed in the output dir, not here await self._stack.enter_async_context(self._limiter.limit_crawl()) sink = await self._stack.enter_async_context(self._fs_token) bar = self._stack.enter_context(log.crawl_bar(bar_desc)) return bar, sink class CrawlerSection(Section): def output_dir(self, name: str) -> Path: # TODO Use removeprefix() after switching to 3.9 if name.startswith("crawl:"): name = name[len("crawl:"):] return Path(self.s.get("output_dir", name)).expanduser() def redownload(self) -> Redownload: value = self.s.get("redownload", "never-smart") try: return Redownload.from_string(value) except ValueError as e: self.invalid_value( "redownload", value, str(e).capitalize(), ) def on_conflict(self) -> OnConflict: value = self.s.get("on_conflict", "prompt") try: return OnConflict.from_string(value) except ValueError as e: self.invalid_value( "on_conflict", value, str(e).capitalize(), ) def transform(self) -> str: return self.s.get("transform", "") def max_concurrent_tasks(self) -> int: value = self.s.getint("max_concurrent_tasks", fallback=1) if value <= 0: self.invalid_value("max_concurrent_tasks", value, "Must be greater than 0") return value def max_concurrent_downloads(self) -> int: tasks = self.max_concurrent_tasks() value = self.s.getint("max_concurrent_downloads", fallback=None) if value is None: return tasks if value <= 0: self.invalid_value("max_concurrent_downloads", value, "Must be greater than 0") if value > tasks: self.invalid_value("max_concurrent_downloads", value, "Must not be greater than max_concurrent_tasks") return value def delay_between_tasks(self) -> float: value = self.s.getfloat("delay_between_tasks", fallback=0.0) if value < 0: self.invalid_value("delay_between_tasks", value, "Must not be negative") return value def auth(self, authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator]) -> Authenticator: value = self.s.get("auth") if value is None: self.missing_value("auth") auth = authenticators.get(value) if auth is None: self.invalid_value("auth", value, "No such auth section exists") return auth class Crawler(ABC): def __init__( self, name: str, section: CrawlerSection, config: Config, ) -> None: """ Initialize a crawler from its name and its section in the config file. If you are writing your own constructor for your own crawler, make sure to call this constructor first (via super().__init__). May throw a CrawlerLoadException. """ = name self.error_free = True self._limiter = Limiter( task_limit=section.max_concurrent_tasks(), download_limit=section.max_concurrent_downloads(), task_delay=section.delay_between_tasks(), ) self._transformer = Transformer(section.transform()) self._output_dir = OutputDirectory( config.default_section.working_dir() / section.output_dir(name), section.redownload(), section.on_conflict(), ) @staticmethod async def gather(awaitables: Sequence[Awaitable[Any]]) -> List[Any]: """ Similar to asyncio.gather. However, in the case of an exception, all still running tasks are cancelled and the exception is rethrown. This should always be preferred over asyncio.gather in crawler code so that an exception like CrawlError may actually stop the crawler. """ tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(aw) for aw in awaitables] result = asyncio.gather(*tasks) try: return await result except: # noqa: E722 for task in tasks: task.cancel() raise async def crawl(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[CrawlToken]: log.explain_topic(f"Decision: Crawl {fmt_path(path)}") if self._transformer.transform(path) is None: log.explain("Answer: No") return None log.explain("Answer: Yes") return CrawlToken(self._limiter, path) async def download( self, path: PurePath, mtime: Optional[datetime] = None, redownload: Optional[Redownload] = None, on_conflict: Optional[OnConflict] = None, ) -> Optional[DownloadToken]: log.explain_topic(f"Decision: Download {fmt_path(path)}") transformed_path = self._transformer.transform(path) if transformed_path is None: log.explain("Answer: No") return None fs_token = await, transformed_path, mtime, redownload, on_conflict) if fs_token is None: log.explain("Answer: No") return None log.explain("Answer: Yes") return DownloadToken(self._limiter, fs_token, path) async def _cleanup(self) -> None: log.explain_topic("Decision: Clean up files") if self.error_free: log.explain("No warnings or errors occurred during this run") log.explain("Answer: Yes") await self._output_dir.cleanup() else: log.explain("Warnings or errors occurred during this run") log.explain("Answer: No") async def run(self) -> None: """ Start the crawling process. Call this function if you want to use a crawler. """ with log.show_progress(): self._output_dir.prepare() await self._run() await self._cleanup() @abstractmethod async def _run(self) -> None: """ Overwrite this function if you are writing a crawler. This function must not return before all crawling is complete. To crawl multiple things concurrently, asyncio.gather can be used. """ pass