from typing import Dict from rich.markup import escape from .authenticator import Authenticator from .authenticators import AUTHENTICATORS from .config import Config, ConfigOptionError from .crawler import Crawler, CrawlError from .crawlers import CRAWLERS from .logging import log class Pferd: def __init__(self, config: Config): """ May throw ConfigOptionError. """ self._config = config self._authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator] = {} self._crawlers: Dict[str, Crawler] = {} def _load_authenticators(self) -> None: for name, section in self._config.authenticator_sections(): log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Loading[/] {escape(name)}") auth_type = section.get("type") authenticator_constructor = AUTHENTICATORS.get(auth_type) if authenticator_constructor is None: raise ConfigOptionError(name, "type", f"Unknown authenticator type: {auth_type!r}") authenticator = authenticator_constructor(name, section, self._config) self._authenticators[name] = authenticator def _load_crawlers(self) -> None: for name, section in self._config.crawler_sections(): log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Loading[/] {escape(name)}") crawl_type = section.get("type") crawler_constructor = CRAWLERS.get(crawl_type) if crawler_constructor is None: raise ConfigOptionError(name, "type", f"Unknown crawler type: {crawl_type!r}") crawler = crawler_constructor(name, section, self._config, self._authenticators) self._crawlers[name] = crawler async def run(self) -> None: # These two functions must run inside the same event loop as the # crawlers, so that any new objects (like Conditions or Futures) can # obtain the correct event loop. self._load_authenticators() self._load_crawlers() for name, crawler in self._crawlers.items(): log.print("") log.print(f"[bold bright_cyan]Running[/] {escape(name)}") try: await except CrawlError as e: log.error(str(e)) except Exception: log.unexpected_exception()