# pylint: disable=invalid-name """ This module exports only what you need for a basic configuration. If you want a more complex configuration, you need to import the other submodules manually. """ import logging STYLE = "{" FORMAT = "[{levelname:<7}] {message}" DATE_FORMAT = "%F %T" FORMATTER = logging.Formatter( fmt=FORMAT, datefmt=DATE_FORMAT, style=STYLE, ) def enable_logging(name: str = "PFERD", level: int = logging.INFO) -> None: """ Enable and configure logging via the logging module. """ handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(FORMATTER) logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(handler) # This should be logged by our own handler, and not the root logger's # default handler, so we don't pass it on to the root logger. logger.propagate = False