import asyncio import os import sys from configparser import ConfigParser, SectionProxy from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple from .utils import prompt_yes_no class ConfigLoadException(Exception): pass class ConfigDumpException(Exception): pass @dataclass class ConfigFormatException(Exception): section: str key: str desc: str class Section: """ Base class for the crawler and auth section classes. """ def __init__(self, section: SectionProxy): self.s = section def error(self, key: str, desc: str) -> NoReturn: raise ConfigFormatException(, key, desc) def invalid_value( self, key: str, value: Any, reason: Optional[str], ) -> NoReturn: if reason is None: self.error(key, f"Invalid value {value!r}") else: self.error(key, f"Invalid value {value!r}: {reason}") def missing_value(self, key: str) -> NoReturn: self.error(key, "Missing value") class Config: @staticmethod def _default_path() -> Path: if == "posix": return Path("~/.config/PFERD/pferd.cfg").expanduser() elif == "nt": return Path("~/AppData/Roaming/PFERD/pferd.cfg").expanduser() else: return Path("~/.pferd.cfg").expanduser() def __init__(self, parser: ConfigParser): self._parser = parser @staticmethod def _fail_load(path: Path, reason: str) -> None: print(f"Failed to load config file at {path}") print(f"Reason: {reason}") raise ConfigLoadException() @staticmethod def load_parser(parser: ConfigParser, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """ May throw a ConfigLoadException. """ if not path: path = Config._default_path() # Using config.read_file instead of because # would just ignore a missing file and carry on. try: with open(path) as f: parser.read_file(f, source=str(path)) except FileNotFoundError: Config._fail_load(path, "File does not exist") except IsADirectoryError: Config._fail_load(path, "That's a directory, not a file") except PermissionError: Config._fail_load(path, "Insufficient permissions") @staticmethod def _fail_dump(path: Path, reason: str) -> None: print(f"Failed to dump config file to {path}") print(f"Reason: {reason}") raise ConfigDumpException() def dump(self, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """ May throw a ConfigDumpException. """ if not path: path = self._default_path() print(f"Dumping config to {path}") try: path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except PermissionError: self._fail_dump(path, "Could not create parent directory") try: # Ensuring we don't accidentally overwrite any existing files by # always asking before overwriting a file. try: # x = open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already # exists with open(path, "x") as f: self._parser.write(f) except FileExistsError: print("That file already exists.") if"Overwrite it?", default=False)): with open(path, "w") as f: self._parser.write(f) else: self._fail_dump(path, "File already exists") except IsADirectoryError: self._fail_dump(path, "That's a directory, not a file") except PermissionError: self._fail_dump(path, "Insufficient permissions") def dump_to_stdout(self) -> None: self._parser.write(sys.stdout) @property def default_section(self) -> SectionProxy: return self._parser[self._parser.default_section] def crawler_sections(self) -> List[Tuple[str, SectionProxy]]: result = [] for name, proxy in self._parser.items(): if name.startswith("crawl:"): result.append((name, proxy)) return result def authenticator_sections(self) -> List[Tuple[str, SectionProxy]]: result = [] for name, proxy in self._parser.items(): if name.startswith("auth:"): result.append((name, proxy)) return result @property def working_dir(self) -> Path: pathstr = self.default_section.get("working_dir", ".") return Path(pathstr).expanduser()