""" General authenticators useful in many situations """ import getpass import logging from typing import Optional, Tuple from .logging import PrettyLogger LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRETTY = PrettyLogger(LOGGER) try: import keyring except ImportError: PRETTY.warning("Keyring module not found, KeyringAuthenticator won't work!") class TfaAuthenticator: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ An authenticator for a TFA token. Always prompts the user, as the token can not be cached. """ def __init__(self, reason: str): """ Create a new tfa authenticator. Arguments: reason {str} -- the reason for obtaining the credentials """ self._reason = reason def get_token(self) -> str: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Prompts the user for the token and returns it. """ print(f"Enter credentials ({self._reason})") return getpass.getpass("TFA Token: ") class UserPassAuthenticator: """ An authenticator for username-password combinations that prompts the user for missing information. """ def __init__( self, reason: str, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ reason - what the credentials are used for username - the username (if already known) password - the password (if already known) """ self._reason = reason self._given_username = username self._given_password = password self._username = username self._password = password def get_credentials(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Returns a tuple (username, password). Prompts user for username or password when necessary. """ if self._username is None and self._given_username is not None: self._username = self._given_username if self._password is None and self._given_password is not None: self._password = self._given_password if self._username is None or self._password is None: print(f"Enter credentials ({self._reason})") username: str if self._username is None: username = input("Username: ") self._username = username else: username = self._username password: str if self._password is None: password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ") self._password = password else: password = self._password return (username, password) @property def username(self) -> str: """ The username. Accessing this property may cause the authenticator to prompt the user. """ (username, _) = self.get_credentials() return username @property def password(self) -> str: """ The password. Accessing this property may cause the authenticator to prompt the user. """ (_, password) = self.get_credentials() return password def invalidate_credentials(self) -> None: """ Marks the credentials as invalid. If only a username was supplied in the constructor, assumes that the username is valid and only the password is invalid. If only a password was supplied in the constructor, assumes that the password is valid and only the username is invalid. Otherwise, assumes that username and password are both invalid. """ self._username = None self._password = None if self._given_username is not None and self._given_password is not None: self._given_username = None self._given_password = None class KeyringAuthenticator(UserPassAuthenticator): """ An authenticator for username-password combinations that stores the password using the system keyring service and prompts the user for missing information. """ def get_credentials(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Returns a tuple (username, password). Prompts user for username or password when necessary. """ if self._username is None and self._given_username is not None: self._username = self._given_username if self._password is None and self._given_password is not None: self._password = self._given_password if self._username is not None and self._password is None: self._load_password() if self._username is None or self._password is None: print(f"Enter credentials ({self._reason})") username: str if self._username is None: username = input("Username: ") self._username = username else: username = self._username if self._password is None: self._load_password() password: str if self._password is None: password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ") self._password = password self._save_password() else: password = self._password return (username, password) def _load_password(self) -> None: """ Loads the saved password associated with self._username from the system keyring service (or None if not password has been saved yet) and stores it in self._password. """ self._password = keyring.get_password("pferd-ilias", self._username) def _save_password(self) -> None: """ Saves self._password to the system keyring service and associates it with self._username. """ keyring.set_password("pferd-ilias", self._username, self._password) def invalidate_credentials(self) -> None: """ Marks the credentials as invalid. If only a username was supplied in the constructor, assumes that the username is valid and only the password is invalid. If only a password was supplied in the constructor, assumes that the password is valid and only the username is invalid. Otherwise, assumes that username and password are both invalid. """ try: keyring.delete_password("pferd-ilias", self._username) except keyring.errors.PasswordDeleteError: pass super().invalidate_credentials()