Start implementing crawling in ILIAS crawler

The ilias crawler can now crawl quite a few filetypes, splits off
folders and crawls them concurrently.
This commit is contained in:
I-Al-Istannen 2021-05-15 20:42:18 +02:00
parent 1123c8884d
commit c7494e32ce

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import asyncio
import json
import re
from configparser import SectionProxy
@ -5,8 +6,9 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union
from urllib.parse import (parse_qs, urlencode, urljoin, urlparse, urlsplit,
import aiohttp
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
@ -18,23 +20,27 @@ from ..config import Config
from ..crawler import (Crawler, CrawlerSection, HttpCrawler, anoncritical,
TargetType = Union[str, int]
class IliasCrawlerSection(CrawlerSection):
def __init__(self, section: SectionProxy):
def target(self) -> TargetType:
target = self.s.get("target")
if not target:
if not self.course_id() and not self.element_url():
self.missing_value("course_id or element_url")
if re.fullmatch(r"\d+", target):
# Course id
return int(target)
if target == "desktop":
# Full personal desktop
return target
if target.startswith(""):
return target
def course_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.s.get("course_id")
def element_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.s.get("element_url")
def base_url(self) -> str:
return self.s.get("ilias_url", "")
self.invalid_value("target", target, "Should be <course id | desktop | kit ilias URL>")
def tfa_auth(self, authenticators: Dict[str, Authenticator]) -> Optional[Authenticator]:
value = self.s.get("tfa_auth")
@ -66,7 +72,6 @@ class IliasPageElement:
url: str
name: str
mtime: Optional[datetime] = None
query_parameter: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
class IliasPage:
@ -91,11 +96,17 @@ class IliasPage:
return "paella_config_file" in str(self._soup)
def _is_video_listing(self) -> bool:
# ILIAS fluff around it
if self._soup.find(id="headerimage"):
element: Tag = self._soup.find(id="headerimage")
if "opencast" in element.attrs["src"].lower():
return True
return False
# Raw listing without ILIAS fluff
video_element_table: Tag = self._soup.find(
name="table", id=re.compile(r"tbl_xoct_.+")
return video_element_table is not None
def _player_to_video(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
# Fetch the actual video page. This is a small wrapper page initializing a javscript
@ -137,9 +148,8 @@ class IliasPage:
content_link: Tag = self._soup.select_one("#tab_series a")
url: str = self._abs_url_from_link(content_link)
query_params = {"limit": "800", "cmd": "asyncGetTableGUI", "cmdMode": "asynch"}
return [IliasPageElement(
IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED, url, "", query_parameter=query_params
url = _url_set_query_params(url, query_params)
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED, url, "")]
is_paginated = self._soup.find(id=re.compile(r"tab_page_sel.+")) is not None
@ -173,9 +183,8 @@ class IliasPage:
query_params = {f"tbl_xoct_{table_id}_trows": "800",
"cmd": "asyncGetTableGUI", "cmdMode": "asynch"}
return [IliasPageElement(
IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER, self._page_url, "", query_parameter=query_params
url = _url_set_query_params(self._page_url, query_params)
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER, url, "")]
def _find_video_entries_no_paging(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
@ -363,6 +372,7 @@ class IliasPage:
return urljoin(self._page_url, link_tag.get("href"))
def demangle_date(date_str: str) -> Optional[datetime]:
return None
@ -371,6 +381,36 @@ def _sanitize_path_name(name: str) -> str:
return name.replace("/", "-").replace("\\", "-").strip()
def _url_set_query_param(url: str, param: str, value: str) -> str:
Set a query parameter in an url, overwriting existing ones with the same name.
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
query_parameters = parse_qs(query)
query_parameters[param] = [value]
new_query_string = urlencode(query_parameters, doseq=True)
return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, new_query_string, fragment))
def _url_set_query_params(url: str, params: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
result = url
for key, val in params.items():
result = _url_set_query_param(result, key, val)
return result
_DIRECTORY_PAGES: Set[IliasElementType] = set([
class IliasCrawler(HttpCrawler):
def __init__(
@ -386,22 +426,104 @@ class IliasCrawler(HttpCrawler):
self._base_url = section.base_url()
self._base_url = ""
self._course_id = section.course_id()
self._element_url = section.element_url()
self._target =
async def crawl(self) -> None:
async with self.crawl_bar(PurePath("/")) as bar:
soup = await self._get_page(self._base_url)
page = IliasPage(soup, self._base_url, None)
for element in page.get_child_elements():
self.print( + " " + str(element.type))
if isinstance(self._target, int):
await self._crawl_course(self._target)
elif self._target == "desktop":
await self._crawl_desktop()
await self._crawl_url(self._target)
async def _crawl_course(self, course_id: int) -> None:
# Start crawling at the given course
root_url = _url_set_query_param(
self._base_url + "/goto.php", "target", f"crs_{course_id}"
await self._crawl_url(root_url, expected_id=course_id)
async def _crawl_desktop(self) -> None:
await self._crawl_url(self._base_url)
async def _crawl_url(self, url: str, expected_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
tasks = []
async with self.crawl_bar(PurePath("Root element")):
soup = await self._get_page(url)
if expected_id is not None:
perma_link_element: Tag = soup.find(id="current_perma_link")
if not perma_link_element or "crs_" not in perma_link_element.get("value"):
# TODO: Properly handle error
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid course id? I didn't find anything looking like a course!")
# Duplicated code, but the root page is special - we want to void fetching it twice!
page = IliasPage(soup, url, None)
for child in page.get_child_elements():
tasks.append(self._handle_ilias_element(PurePath("."), child))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def _handle_ilias_page(self, url: str, parent: IliasPageElement, path: PurePath) -> None:
tasks = []
async with self.crawl_bar(path):
soup = await self._get_page(url)
page = IliasPage(soup, url, parent)
for child in page.get_child_elements():
tasks.append(self._handle_ilias_element(path, child))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def _handle_ilias_element(self, parent_path: PurePath, element: IliasPageElement) -> None:
element_path = PurePath(parent_path,
if element.type == IliasElementType.FILE:
await self._download_element(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.FORUM:
# TODO: Delete
self.print(f"Skipping forum [green]{element_path}[/]")
elif element.type == IliasElementType.LINK:
# TODO: Write in meta-redirect file
self.print(f"Skipping link [green]{element_path}[/]")
elif element.type == IliasElementType.VIDEO:
await self._download_element(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.VIDEO_PLAYER:
# FIXME: Check if we should look at this and if not bail out already!
# This saves us a request for each video, if we skip them anyways
raise RuntimeError("IMPLEMENT ME")
elif element.type in _DIRECTORY_PAGES:
await self._handle_ilias_page(element.url, element, element_path)
# TODO: Proper exception
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown type: {element.type!r}")
async def _download_element(self, element: IliasPageElement, element_path: PurePath) -> None:
dl = await, mtime=element.mtime)
if not dl:
async with self.download_bar(element_path) as bar, dl as sink,\
self.session.get(element.url) as resp:
if resp.content_length:
async for data in resp.content.iter_chunked(1024):
async def _get_page(self, url: str, retries_left: int = 3) -> BeautifulSoup:
if retries_left < 0:
# TODO: Proper exception
raise RuntimeError("Get page failed too often")
async with self.session.get(url) as request:
soup = soupify(await
if self._is_logged_in(soup):