A PFERD config is a normal python file that starts multiple *synchronizers*
which do all the heavy lifting. While you can create and wire them up manually,
you are encouraged to use the helper methods provided in `PFERD.Pferd`.
The synchronizers take some input arguments specific to their sercice and a
*transformer*. The transformer receives the computed path of an element in
ILIAS and can return either an output path (so you can rename files or move
them around as you wish) or `None` if you do not want to save the given file.
Additionally the ILIAS synchronizer allows you to define a *crawl filter*. This
filter also receives the computed path as the input, but is only called or
*directoties*. If you return `True`, the directory will be crawled and
searched. If you return `False` the directory will be ignored and nothing in it
will be passed to the transformer.
In order to help you with writing your own transformers and filters, PFERD
ships with a few powerful building blocks:
| Method | Description |
| `glob` | Returns a transform that returns `None` if the glob does not match and the unmodified path otherwise. |
| `predicate` | Returns a transform that returns `None` if the predicate does not match the path and the unmodified path otherwise. |
| `move_dir(source, target)` | Returns a transform that moves all files from the `source` to the `target` dir. |
| `move(source, target)` | Returns a transform that moves the `source` file to `target`. |
| `rename(old, new)` | Renames a single file. |
| `re_move(regex, sub)` | Moves all files matching the given regular expression. The different captured groups are available under their index and can be used together with normal python format methods: `re_move(r"Blatt (\d+)\.pdf", "Blätter/Blatt_{1:0>2}.pdf"),`. |
| `re_rename(old, new)` | Same as `re_move` but operates on the path *names* instead of the full path. |
And PFERD also offers a few combinator functions:
* **`keep`**
`keep` just returns the input path unchanged. It can be very useful as the
last argument in an `attempt` call, to leave everything not matching a rule
* **`optionally(transformer)`**
Wraps a given transformer and returns its result if it is not `None`.
Otherwise returns the input path unchanged.
* **`do(transformers)`**
`do` accepts a series of transformers and applies them in the given order to
the result of the previous one. If any transformer returns `None`, do
short-circuits and also returns `None`. This can be used to perform multiple