2023-03-27 04:28:02 +02:00
set -u
set -e
sudo pacman-key --init
# Pull Repo
## Needed so pacman doesnt complain.
repo-add "/repo/${AUR_REPO_NAME}.db.tar.xz"
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm minio-client
mcli alias set s3 https://s3.tobiasmanske.de $REPO_ACCESS_KEY $REPO_SECRET_KEY
mcli cp s3/repo/x86_64/rad4day.db.tar.xz /repo/x86_64/rad4day.db.tar.xz
mcli cp s3/repo/x86_64/rad4day.files.tar.xz /repo/x86_64/rad4day.files.tar.xz
mcli cp s3/repo/x86_64/rad4day.db.tar.xz.sig /repo/x86_64/rad4day.db.tar.xz.sig
mcli cp s3/repo/x86_64/rad4day.files.tar.xz.sig /repo/x86_64/rad4day.files.tar.xz.sig
if ! (aur repo > /dev/null 2>&1); then
printf "Aur repo not initialized, initializing /repo...\n"
repo-add "/repo/${AUR_REPO_NAME}.db.tar.xz"
# Keyring Signing Key
sudo pacman-key --add trustroot.asc
gpg --import --batch trustroot.asc
sudo pacman-key --lsign 10BE06BC275CE0E17373B368F67996C486D1B56B
repoctl conf new "$(readlink -f \"/repo/${AUR_REPO_NAME}.db\")"
# Setup signing
echo "$BUILD_GPG_KEY" | base64 -d | gpg --import --batch
echo "C3FE87CFB8F8D503AE03EC1C033E7F3DC71FE89E:6:" | gpg --import-ownertrust --batch
sudo pacman --noconfirm -Sy archlinux-keyring
sudo pacman --noconfirm -Syu
git clone --recursive https://git.tobiasmanske.de/archlinux-repo/package_sources.git packages
cd packages
git submodule update --remote --merge # Make sure we are up to date if something is linked as a submodule
find . -name PKGBUILD -execdir sh -c 'makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO' \;
# Build all packages defined in our git
cat */.SRCINFO | aur graph | tsort | tac > queue
echo QUEUE
cat queue
aur build -S --noconfirm -a queue --no-sync --margs -s
# build all packages defined in our repo
#paclist custom | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r aur sync --noconfirm
aur sync -u -S --noview --noconfirm
2023-03-27 04:48:04 +02:00
# Rebuild all git packages
paclist rad4day | awk '{print $1}' | grep -e "-git$" | xargs -r aur sync -S --noview --noconfirm
2023-03-27 04:28:02 +02:00
## Upload to repo
mcli mirror --overwrite /repo s3/repo/x86_64
exec "$@"